Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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March 27, 1920 EXHIBITORS HERALD 33 Lionel Barrymore to Make Four Productions for First National Star of "The Copperhead" Signs Contract for Series of Features to be Produced Under the Direction of Whitman Bennett for Exhibitors' Circuit (Special to Exhibitors Herald) NEW YORK, March 16. — Lionel Barrymore is to be starred in a series of four independent productions to be published through the Associated First National Pictures, Inc., and to be made by Whitman Bennett, who recently resigned as production manager for the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. The contract with Bennett and Barrymore is the first to be signed by the Associated First National Pictures, Inc., as an organization. It is one of the two new companies created by the exhibitor members of the First National Exhibitors Circuit, Inc., at the convention in Atlantic City in January of this year. IS FIRST STEP TO INCREASE PRODUCTION The move marks the beginning of activities by the First National members to increase the number of productions available to owners of the subfranchises now being allotted to independent theatre owners throughout the country for the circuit's attractions. In addition, it brings to the field of independent producers Bennett, who for two years has been the managing executive of the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation production forces. Bennett announced his resignation last week to become effective as soon as arrangements were completed for his successor. Negotiations between the Associated First National Pictures officials and Bennett and Barrymore were conducted by Larry Giffen of the Alice Kauser organization, who also represented the star and the producer in arranging the details of the contract. To Begin Work May 1 Barrymore will begin production work soon after May 1. The first picture in the series is scheduled for publication through the Associated First National next fall. The last screen appearance of the famous actor was in the character part of Milt Shanks in "The Copperhead." Barrymore has just completed a very successful two years' engagement as costar with his brother, John, in "The Jest" and now is starring in "The Letter of the Law" at the Criterion theatre, New York. It has been announced that his four productions for the Associated First National will be made in the East so that he car continue his theatrical work on the spoken stage. Announcement to Follow Bennett, who has gained a wide reputation as a production manager while with the Famous Players, will have complete charge of the Barrymore productions. The stories of the four Barrymore pictures will be announced soon. According to First National officials, they will be from famous novels, or famous plays. Officials of the Associated First National Pictures regard the signing of the celebrated actor as a great achievement. "We predict a phenomenal success for Barrvmore in this series to be produced by Mr. Bennett, because of his rare ability to do such exceptionally clever character work," says a statement issued by the Associated First National officials. "His return to pictures brings another strong ally to the ranks of independent producers and independent stars. With Mr. Bennett, he has accepted the tenets of our policy that each star and producer shall stand or fall strictly on his or her own ability. Publication Not Specified "This is the only just and fair way to extend, until measured, opportunity to producers and stars who have ability not yet tested to the maximum. Mr. Barrymore's four productions will have no specified release dates. Mr. Bennett will have all the time he requires to obtain that degree of screen quality | Barrymore Is Star On Stage and Screen | | Lionel Barrymore. a member of g | the famous Barrymore family of : I actors and actresses, long has been | | ranked among the greatest of the | American artists of the stage. His j 1 career has included theatrical en | | gagements with Nance O'Neill, j 1 James Heme and John Drew in | | such plays as "The Best of | I Friends" and "Pantaloon." j After an absence of three years j I from the stage because of ill health, | j he returned in 1909 in "Fires of j 1 Faith." Later, he toured in "The j I Still Voice" and "The Copper J | head." The former was presented | | in vaudeville. _ | | His screen career began with | j Biograph. He appeared in Pathe | 1 pictures, "Exploits of Elaine," and j I later was starred in comedy and j j dramatic parts by Metro. One of j 1 his most notable vehicles for the | | latter company was "The Yellow j | Streak." Some of his more^ recent j 1 pictures are "Making Good," "The j | Great Green Eye," "The Million j | aire's Double," and "The Copper | | head." which will satisfy his standards as an independent producer. We have found in our experience with other producers and stars now affiliated with us by contract that absence of need for haste and time restrictions, which make quality and result secondary considerations, has done much to encourage greater entertainment value. "Mr. Barrymore's return to the screen under the production auspices of Mr. Bennett marks the entry of a family whose name and traditions are indelibly linked with the greatest of stage achievements into the field of independent >creen stars." Exhibitors Combine Murphysboro Houses MURPHYSBORO, ILL.— Jean Dagle and John Marlow, operating the Liberty and Hippodrome theaties respectively, have formed a corporation which brings the theatres under the management of Mr. Dagle, Mr. Marlow assuming complete charge of two theatres in Herrin, III. The Liberty has been the leading theatre here for the past ten years. The Hippodrome, a $100,000 structure, was opened on New Year's day, this year, and with the placing of both houses under the management of Mr. Dagle citizens of this city feel that the best entertainment available will be presented at both houses. Half Million Dollar Theatre for Atlanta ATLANTA. GA.— Sig Samuels, . proprietor of the Criterion theatre, has made public plans for a new motion picture theatre, to be called the Metropolitan, which will be erected at a cost of $500,000 and will open January 1, 1921.