Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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96 EXHIBITORS HERALD March 27, 1920 3i£ 1 7Vo Vibration in the De Vry! Y OU can balance a De Vry on a tea cup and it produces motion pictures as if shot from a stonewall. You can put the De Vry on a table, a chair — on any non-rocking object with four legs or none, and it does perfect work. It's in a class by itself in this, as in all other respects. See it and know for yourself. Preview with a DeVry! A projector which stands up to that test is what professionals need for previewing. To a Film Exchange, also, a DeVry is invaluable. We ask that you let us give you a DeVry demonstration. Say the word and our representative from one of 60 cities will come and show you — in your own office. There's nothing like the DeVry. So light! So handy! So compact! Remember, a poor projector kills a good film. So see the De Vry before you decide. It is endorsed by the best and most successful people in the motion-picture profession. A letter, or the coupon below filled out and signed, lets you see for yourself. Why not send the coupon today? V The DeVry Corporation 1232 Mariatma Street, Chicago New York Office • 141 West 4 2d Street The De Vry Corporation, 1232 Marianna St.. Chicago. Dept. B. Name . Street ._ City . State I I Yes. You may give demonstrations of the De Vry, uithout obligation, at the following address. I I Yes. Piease send free booklet as soon as it is off the press. HOIIEHT Hll L'.Vl'O.V PRODUCTIONS "A White Man'. Chance." five reel., with J. Warren Kerrigan. The Joyous Liar." five reel., with J. Warren Kerrigan. The Lord Love, the Irish." five reels, with J. Warren Kerrigan L.ve Sparks," five reel., with J. Warren Kerrigan. NATION A L-BI I I I I RHODES PRODUCTIONS Blue Bonnet." six reels, with Billie Rhodes. "Hi. T-n,™, ,0*E£H LEVERING PRODUCTION! Mis lemporary Wife," six reels, with Special Cast HALL-ROOM BOYS PHOTOPLAYS, INC. P«. 1— "The Chicken Hunter.," two reels. S* Jf— ,XiTmi"g the w««." two reels. Dec. 49 — I he Lovable Scamps." two reel* Th JANS PICTURES, INC. ..m ue W,th°"t Question, seven reel., with Olive Tell Nothing a \ ear. seven reel., with Olive Tell. A W oman s Business," 6 reels, with Olive Tell. JUNGLE COMEDIES Dreamy Chinatown." "One Big Night." "As Others See Us." "The Deserter." "The First Flivver." "Film Fairies." "Caught With the Goods." "Stopping Bullets." "Circus Bride." "Perils of the Beach." VICTOR KREMER PRODUCTIONS Feb' uZ2rh?r»S!2S °" Carme"-," 'our reel., with Charles Chaplin Mar 1 Ch»niPlon. !« reels, with Charles Chaplin. Anr .M"!*"—*. '*o rels. with Charles Chaplin. v£v \~-u °rV c'wo..r«ls' with Charl" Chaplin. May 1— By the Sea." one reel, with Charles Chaplin. MASTER FILMS, INC. Torcby Comedies, five reels, with Johnny Hines. METRO PICTURES CORPORATION < 1 u 1 CLASSICS. INC., SPECIALS "Lombardi. Ltd.," .even reels, with Bert Lytell. Please Get Married," six reels, with Viola Dana. ..£?'r .j ,..armfr " "x reels, with May Allison. SfcOIlM » Wooua Tell," six reels, with Alice Lake. , i?e ,.,a, k °"i "? reels, with May Allison. SHff* ,Tr,c,e'" six '«'•• with Viola Dana 35* g'K"1 of Way " six reels, with Bert Lytell. -ni5 iJ °l, ;Uck "ix '"U <Dniry |.an( Melodrama) Old Lady 81." six reels, with Emma Dunn. »2r,,ta* "x reels, with Alice Lake. ,.r ia., omes to Town," six reels, with Viola Dana .Ar ' tMX reels wi,h M*y Allison. ..£i,aVln,mr' Valentine." six reels, with Bert Lytell I he Hope, six reels, with a Special Cast. NAS1MOVA PRODUCTIONS •Out of the Fog." seven reels, with Narimova rbe Ked Lantern, seven reels, with Naximova lh< Hrm. .even reel, with Narimova. ^ironcrr Than Death " six reel., with Nirimova. The Heart of a Child," seven reel., with Nariroova. TAYLOR HOLME! PRODUCTIONS "Nothing But the Tmth." six reel. The Very Idea." six reels, with Taylor Holmes. Nothing But Lies," six reels, with Taylor Holmes. PATHE EXCHANGE. INC. PATH E SPECIAL FEATURES ItJS* Virtuous Model." six reels, with Do|ore. CaaainelH 1 t-rSf 7Wnn £*5* "X. wi,n M" Murray. \ 21 nf ,nvr ' "lx "H.. with V„ Mnrra. .^5*^ Reputation,." five reels, wilh Dnlore. Cassinelli 4— Lifting Shadows," six reels, with Emmy Whelen. FRa>K KESHAN PRODI <Tlo>s tl~^ThS vZZPr&Vg. *" ,r«I*. wi,h Frank K«nan. 7 " n SfctV! reeI' w,,h Frank K«nan. Feb sZZ-qZm' • n,4_"'r' reel., with Frank Krenan. Feb. 29— Smoldering Embers." five reels, with Frank Keenan. EDC.AR LEWIS PRODUCTIONS Feb. 1— "Other Men's Shoes," seven reels. Sept, Sept rw Mar. Apr. Sept. n lane Oet. VIHtilVIA PEARSON PHOTOPLAYS. INC. '■'7m^.B-M°Pr 5.me"W ,lx r«,,• wi,b Virginia Pearson. ■ Impossible Catherine." six reels, with Virginia Pearvon. Oct. Nov. Ian Mar Oct. Va,. Jan. Apr. C A PELL A NI PRODUCTIONS. INC 0 Distress." five reels, with June Caprice and Creightoe ALBERT 12— "A Damsel Hale Jf .TllC n"^1 *? I"" ?fven r"'9' with Ro'orea Cassinelli. « n'rS"/ s,x J"'5. J** ""'"re. Cassineni. . 7— In Walked Mary." five reels, with June Caprice. J. *TI ART RLACKTON PRODUCTIONS 19— 'The Moonshine Trail." six reels, with Sylvia Breamer and Robt Uordon. *"~ t*" with <="K-;a Brfm« anH RoK.rt C~*Jn„ ' Qnh"J! cn,*„°ther Wife'" six reeIs with Sy'Tia Breamer and 11— "The Blood Barrier," six reels, with Sylvia Breamer and Robert Oordon. J. D. HAMPTON PRODUCTIONS n 0f~-Tu Sm'" 01 Jpl'»sure." .even reel., with Blanche Sweet. T c ,,~„I-hf. ?r,nr' anH .?<,,,V fiv« reels. w,th William Desmond. ™ ,«,— e ,ne "ressy." six reels, with Blanche Sweet ret). 16— Respectable by Proxy." six reels, with Sylvia Breamer and Rob Mar. 28— "The Deadlier Sex," six reels, with Blanche Sweet. HOHAHT HENLEY PRODITTIONS Nov. 2— The Gay Old Dog." six reels, with John Cumberland. REALART PICTURES ... , „ «PEriAI. FEATURES Soldiers of Fortune" (Pwan), seven reels »' ')>' V.i)„„ Rnnm" rrhauurd), six reels Th, The Luck of the Irish" (Dwan), six reels.