Exhibitors Herald (Oct-Dec 1920)

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E XHIHIT O R S HERALD October 23, 1920 like.— C. T. Metcalf, Optra House, Greenfield. III. — Small town patronage. The Blooming Angel, with Madge Kennedy. — Poor picture. Poor business. A shame to issue pictures like thesev J. Louis Rome. Broadway theatre, ' Baltimore, Md.— General patronage. JES' CALL ME JIM. with Will Rogers. — This is certainly a masterpiece. The star has outdone himself in this picture, which for story and acting is far above average. Good picture. The photography is nothing short of wonderful. If you want to give your patrons twice their money's worth, get this picture. — W. H. Creal, Suburban theatre, Omaha, Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. Jes' Call Me Jim, with Will Rogers — The best Will Rogers picture to date. This picture will appeal to all classes, as it is a real picture. Business big. — Pfeiffer Bros., Opera House, Kenton, O. — General patronage. Partners of the Night, with a special cast. — Play this strong. You cannot go wrong. — C. T. Metcalf, Opera House. Greenfield, 111. — Small town patronage. Hodkinson King Spruce, with Mitchell Lewis. — A very good picture and a good cast and a first-class picture. — C. L. Shanner, Cosy theatre, Page, Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. The Harvest Moon, with Doris Kenyon. — Fair. Star poor drawing card, here. — J. Louis Rome, Broadway theatre. Baltimore. Md. — General patronage. Desert Gold, w-ith E. K. Lincoln. — A good Western Zane Grey story. Held up good for four days at advanced prices. — Abernathy & Ticek, Royal theatre, Enid, Okla. — General patronage. The Westerners, with Roy Stewart. — Fine picture throughout. Photography good, but many titles dark. Splendid entertainment.— Custer Carland, Victoria theatre, Frankfort, Mich. King Spruce, with Mitchell Lewis.— Fair picture. Star not popular. — J. Louis Kome. Broadway theatre. Baltimore, kid. — General patronage. Metro A Chorus Girl's Romance, with Viola Dana. — One of the best pictures I ever played. Enjoyed by everyone. — J. Louis Rome, Broadway theatre, Baltimore, Md. — General patronage. The Cheater, with May Allison.— A clever picture and star good. May best drawing card in my theatre. Picture ably supported by an Educational Christie comedy, Sea Side Sirens. Very good. — K. A. Bolts. Grand theatre, Carrington. N. I). — Small town patronage. The Walk Offs, with May Allison.— Poor comedy. Nothing more than a screen advertisement' for a well-known washing powder. — G. B. Elain, Princess theatre. W'innsboro. La. — General patronage. The Right of Way, with Bert Lytcll.— This drew a big crowd, but was a total failure. People began to walk out on second reel, and before show was out half of crowd gone. Metro sure has -ome very poor specials. — C. Hales, Lyric theatre. Orange City, la. — Neighborhood patronage. The Misfit Wife, with Alice Lake. — Good picture. Fair business. — J. Louis Rome, Broadway theatre, Baltimore. Md. — General patronage. Shore Acres, with Alice Lake. — A 99 per cent picture, pleasing all my patrons. Metro classics pulling stronger every time. — R. A. Bolts, Grand theatre, Carrington. N. D.— Small town patronage. National Picture Theatres The Invisible Divorce, with a special cast. — Great titles and careful production make this a more than ordinary production.— C. T. Metcalf, Opera House, Greenfield, 111. — Small town patronage. The Invisible Divorce, with a special cast. — A big picture to good business for two days. Photography poor, must say, in places, but story the real goods. Highly pleased. — Mrs. J. A. Dostal, Ideal theatre, Omaha, Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. Just a Wife, with a special cast — This picture better than given credit for, and it pleased my people fine. It has an interesting plot and well directed. — H. J. l.ongaker, Howard theatre, Alexandria, Minn. — General patronage. Just a Wife, with "a special cast.— Splendid program picture. Pleased everybody. — Mrs. W. M. Kimbro, Greenland theatre, Greensboro, Ga. — Small town patronage. Blind Youth, with a special cast. — A satisfying picture. Wonderful titles. — C. T. Metcalf, Opera House, Greenfield. 111. — Small town patronage. Paramount Sick Abed, with Wallace Reid. — About the best thing Reid has ever appeared in. W ent big to big business. A sure fire comedy drama. — Pfeiffer Bros., Opera House, Kenton, O. — General patronage. On With the Dance, with Mae Murray.— Big audience. Pleased immensely. — Giacoma Bros., Crystal theatre, Tombstone, Ariz. — General patronage. Terror Island, with Houdini. — Everybody liked it. This fellow should never desert the picture field. — C. E. Morrow. Lyric theatre, Bement, III. — Small town patronage. A City of Masks, with Robert Warwick.— Although this picture did not draw, it is a fine production. Those who did come were more than pleased Warwick no drawing card here. — Pfeiffer Bros., Opera House, Kenton, O. — General patronage. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, with John Barrymore. — A special that although very gruesome went over strong. Barrymore should be given very favorable comments for the work he did in this picture. — R. A. Bolts. Grand theatre, Carrington, N. D. — Small town patronage. What's Your Husband Doing? with Douglas MacLean and Doris May. — Absolutely one of the most humorous comedy-dramas we have run here. Paramount Artcraft sure produce real comedy-drama. — Strombo Nemec Auditorium theatre, Stillwater, Minn. — Neighborhood patronage. His Wife's Friend, with Dorothy Dalton. — A very good program picture. Star, story and production all excellent. — W. H. Creal, Suburban theatre, Omaha, Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. Behind the Door, with Hobart Bosworth. — This is one of the greatest pictures of the year. Play it by all means. Business good. — Pfeiffer Bros., Opera House. Kenton, O. — General patronage. All-of-a-Sudden Peggy, with Marguerite Clark. — Big business. Light stuff, but oleased Marguerite Clark's admirers. — Giacoma Bros., Crystal theatre, Tombstone, Ariz. — General patronage. Pathe The Girl in the Web, with Blanche Sweet. — Another feature worthy of the trademark. Pathe. More than capacity two days. — A. B. Farmer, Star theatre, St. John, N. B., Canada.— Neighborhood patronage.