Exhibitors Herald (Oct-Dec 1920)

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November 13, 1920 EXHIBITORS HERALD 101 Western. — H. W. Jeffries, Majestic theatre, Huntington, Ark. — Neighborhood patronage. The Heart of Humanity, with a special cast. — This I consider an extra good feature. By all means book this one. Everybody well pleased. Lots of good comments by my patrons. — Joseph F. Spangler, Globe theatre, Beaver, Okla. — General patronage. The Brute Breaker, with Frank Mayo. — This was a real picture. Book it and play it by all means. You cannot go wrong on this one. — A. E. Berlin, Jr., Grand theatre, Rock Falls, 111. Overland Red, with Harry Carey. — A good Western drama. — Harry Sparkman, Pastime theatre, Reyno, Ark. — Neighborhood patronage. 4 The Right to Happiness, with Dorothy Phillips.— A truly great picture, and drew great business. — E. Cameron, Arcade theatre, St. Paul, Minn. — Neighborhood patronage. His Divorced Wife, with Monroe Salisbury.—My patrons all liked this picture, and it was a good puller. Book this one. — A. E. Berlin, Grand theatre, Rock Falls, 111. Special m eciais Hell's Oasis (Pinnacle), with Neal Hart. — Great. Wonderful business. Pleased everybody. Am anxious to get the next one. — J. Banowitz, Harmony theatre. Chicago, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. The Confession (Pioneer), with Henry B. Walthall. — A very fine production. Received many compliments for it. — Harry Chakeres, Lyric theatre, Lima, O. — Transient patronage. The Innocent Adventuress (Gaumont), with Vivian Martin. — Just an average program picture that will please a not too particular crowd.— Harold Daspit. Atherton theatre, Kentwood, La. — Neighborhood patronage. Hell's Oasis (Pinnacle), with Neal Hart. — One of the finest pictures I have ever seen. Filled my 1,400-seat house all day. Give me more like this one. — Empire theatre, Chicago, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. The Unknown Love (Pioneer), with E. K. Lincoln. — A war story. Would have been a dandy about three years ago, but now it is a frost. Better lay off on this one. — Schonlau & Abraham, S. & A. theatre, Houston, Minn. — Neighborhood patronage. The Confession (Pioneer), with Henry B. Walthall. — This picture an absolute knockout for any Catholic neighborhood theatre, but we think that it is an A-l picture in any theatre. Could not seat all my patrons for three days. — L. A. Bachmann, Bridgeport theatre, Chicago, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. Virtuous Men (S-L), with E. K. Lincoln.— Drew a big crowd and pleased everybody. Title misleading, but picture more suitable for our house than if it had not been. — Fahrney & Elson, Electric theatre, Curtis, Neb. — Neighborhood patronage. Hell's Oasis (Pinnacle), with Neal Hart. — This is an A-l production. Went over very big to box office breaking business. — Henry Bambara, New Paris theatre, Chicago, 111. — Transient patronage. The Long Arm of Manister (Pioneer), with Henry B. Walthall. — Give us more specials like this one. Walthall does great work in this play. Pleased 100 per cent. — W. H. Trecker, Mutual theatre, Cabery, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. Denny from Ireland (Arrow), with Shorty Hamilton. — Lots of good comedy in this, and for a program feature it fills the bill very nicely. — C. Hales, Rivoli theatre, Alton, la. — Neighborhood patronage. Love Without Question (Jans), with Olive Tell. — Greatest mystery picture we have ever shown. Star is fine and interest never lagged. Book it. — W. H. Trecker, Mutual theatre, Cabery, IllNeighborhood patronage. Serials The Lost City (Warner Bros), with Juanita Hansen. — Best pulling serial I've ever run. Best interest, and patronage still increasing on sixth episode. Get them in for first episode, they do the rest. — J. W. Lumpkin, Cupid theatre, Miles, Tex. — Neighborhood patronage. Lightning Bryce (Arrow), with Jack Hoxie and Ann Little. — Good serial, but like all serials too long drawn out and monotonous. — Fahrney & Elson, Electric theatre, Curtis, Neb. — Neighborhood patronage. Hidden Dangers (Vitagraph), with Joe Ryan and Jean Paige. — I am on the fifth episode and my crowds are dropping off every episode. Too much impossible stuff. — Harry Sparkman, Pastime theatre, Reyno, Ark. — Neighborhood patronage. Daredevil Jack (Pathe), with Jack Dempsey. — Had this on very bad night and did not draw very good. The serial is first class.— Jisa & Endrst, New Opera House, Coal City, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. Lightning Bryce (Arrow), with Jack Hoxie and Ann Little. — A good drawing picture. — J. W. Lumpkin, Cupid theatre, Miles, Tex. — Neighborhood patronage. The Veiled Mystery (Vitagraph), with Antonio Moreno. — Run first chapter to good house. Believe it will be good. — G. G. Nutter, Royal theatre, Republic, Kans. — Former patronage. The Vanishing Dagger (Universal), with Eddie Polo. — Ran three episodes. Good picture and drew good and people well pleased. — Jisa & Endrst, New Opera House, Coal City, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. Bride 13 (Fox), with a special cast. — Third episode of this serial exhibited with patronage increasing. First serial we have tried for several years. Looks like a winner. — J. J. Wittenberger, Auditorium theatre, Carleton, Neb. — Neighborhood patronage. GLADYS GEORGE Who has signed a long-term contract to appear in Paramount pictures. "Easy Street," with Tom Meighan starring, will be her first picture. Elmo the Fearless (Universal), with Elmo Lincoln. — A splendid serial. A sure drawing card. All my audience likes this serial fine. We are on the eighth episode and crowds gather bigger every night. Anyone wishing a good serial book this one and put it on your poorest night and you can build it up to a good night.— A. E. Berlin, Grand theatre, Rock Falls, 111. Hidden Dangers (Vitagraph), with Joe Ryan. — Good business. Increase over first night.— Fred T. Wilson, Liberty theatre. Newton, Kans. — Neighborhood patronage. The Silent Avenger (Vitagraph), with William Duncan. — This is one of the best serials I ever ran, and have run most all of them. — H. W. Jeffries, Majestic theatre, Huntington, Ark. — Neighborhood patronage. Hidden Dangers (Vitagraph), with Joe Ryan. — This serial does not please more than 50 per cent. Too much of the impossible stuff. — -L. A. Hasse, Majestic theatre, Mauston, WTis. Hidden Dangers (Vitagraph), with Joe Ryan. — This the poorest serial that I have played yet. Joe Ryan does not belong in that kind of a picture. — A. E. Berlin, Grand theatre, Rock Falls, 111. The Vanishing Dagger (Universal), with Eddie Polo. — The first serial ever used featuring Eddie Polo and truly a big disappointment. They walk out on this and, mind you, it is the men and boys that do it. Serials are a failure for our house anyway. Story too impossible in Vanishing Dagger, and no ending to bring them back. — Mrs. J. A. Dostal, Ideal theatre, Omaha, Neb. — Neighborhood patronage. Bride 13 (Fox), with a special cast. — My patrons are sure against seeing colored people on the screen. Same thing over and over. Submarine and cave man. — Oscar Troyer, Lyric theatre, Rugbv, N. D. The Lost City (Warner Bros.), with Juanita Hansen. — Big business all the way through. Actual increase in business from the first episode to the last. —Fred T. Wilson, Liberty theatre, Newton, Kans. — General patronage. DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES