Exhibitors Herald (Oct-Dec 1920)

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\ovember 13, 1920 EXHIBITORS HERALD 109 I WITH THE PROCESSION IN LOS ANGELES | : ; By Harry Hammond Beall L SL..'.. : : 2 ' I ill, press representative for First Naional, that the application of commercial I usiness methods to theatre operation has \ roved so successful that he plans to erect » large house in another city. Manager j Vallerstein is a newcomer in the picture ame. He also owns a department store I t La Porte, Ind. * * * M. J. Mixtz, general sales manager for elebrated, will be absent from the Film exchange building for the next month. )uring his absence he will visit all the irge exchange centers including St. Louis, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Denver and San Vancisco. * * * Word has reached "Bill'' Sweeney that Iharlie Lamb of the Palm theatre. Rockord, has been very ill Here's for imnediate recovery. * * * ! We have with us today Eddie Mordue, 'oal magnate. Eddie has been back at his ild stamping ground greeting all the boys. Te says Detroit isn't a half bad town and hat dealing in coal isn't a bad business. v * * * Joe Lyon of American has put Warrenbutter out on the road in Illinois and :\"orthern Indiana. * * * Eddie Silverman, assistant to Ben 3eadell, manager of Select, has returned rom a successful trip to points out in the state. These side trips must offer some very Weresting feature for Manager Beadell las made arrangements whereby he will ilternate with Eddie. * * * I Secrets will out. H. D. Koffman of the payety and other Chicago theatres has just returned from New York. The exhibitor •et slip the information that his trip was Quieter than his recent journey from Springfield, 111. It seems that Al Steffes bf Minneapolis made the trip from Spring.ield with Koffman and sprinkled a box of jrape-nuts between the sheets in Koffman's jerth. Now the Chicago exhibitor travels ilone and incognito. * * * P. A. Bloch, manager of Paramount, reports that thirty-six prints of "Humor;sque" were working during the week of Dctober 24, twenty-two of them for solid weeks in Chicago. Page the boy that keeps ;he record books. * * * George ''Daddy" Hines of the Auditorium theatre, South Bend, Ind., has so jfar recovered from a recent illness that he ;ias been able to make the trip to Chicago o book more pictures. * * * I With the assistance of a cane A. L. Guxdlixg of the Bryn Mawr theatre, Chi:ago, who was hurt in an automobile acciient recently, now is able to get around to see the bookers. * * * ; "Chub" Florine has signed to sell film 'for DollVan. This has no connection with ;'Chub's" Doll-Van job, for his brother, Oscar, who greets you at Pathe's front Hoor, went to Detroit as announced recently. However, he didn't pay his respects o "Johnnie Walker" as expected. * * * Joe Dorman, Colonial theatre, La Salle, L. E. Irvlx; Irvin, Bloomington, Manager Dufoe, Strand, East Moline, and other exhibitors were in town last week. Out of this bunch surely some one got a contract. * * * I Selznick Week, November 14 to 20. Ben feays not to forget it. Anita Stewart is expected at the Mayer studio soon, having decided to do "The Tornado'' in Lcs Angeles instead of in Manhattan. Edwin Carewe is to direct. * * * Syd Chaplin is reported recovering nicelv from an operation for appendicitis. * * * Carl Laemmle has wired Universal City to expect him on the big lot early in January', 1921. * * * Nate Watt, who directed Annette Kellerman in "What Women Love," has been selected to make the "Peck's Bad Boy" series for Irving Lesser Productions. * * * Sylvia Breamer is expected to be back on the coast again before long, after a New York visit. * * * Doris Schroder is to write the scenario for "False Colors" an Edwina Levin story in which Priscilla Dean is to be starred. * * * Little sixteen-year-old Clara Hurtox plays opposite to Charles Ra\' in "Nineteen and Phyllis." Everyone in the Ray studio made a lot of her and she divided popularity with Charles Ray's dog. Whiskers, who was not at all jealous of the attention paid to the little actress. * * * Arthur Berthelet, the director, has completed the cast for "Penny," Bessie Love's vehicle. He will have Wheeler Oakman, Patricia Palmer and Ray Cannon in important roles. * * * In the cast of "The Girl in the Taxi," Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Havex's cinema production, now being directed by Lloyd Ingraham. are several members of the original cast of the stage success. For six years director of the Irving Place theater in New York, Broerken Christians, a Swedish actor, is now playing with Erich Von Stroheim company. * * » Roy Stewart, known for his western characterizations, has been selected by director Henry King to play the lead opposite Pauline Frederick in her picturization of "The Mistress of Shenstone." * * * Tod Browxixg who has just finished "Outside the Law" has recommended to Irving Thalberg, "Big U" generalissimo that Leo McCarey his assistant be elevated to the rank of full director. * * * Paul Eagler, who has been in charge of photography at the Ince studios has been added to the cinematographic staff of the Irvin Willat productions. * * * Joe Braxdt is on his way to the coast after a few weeks in New York. * * * Al Saxtell has signed a long term contract to direct Hank Mann. * * * Art Acord is to head his own producing company, and has leased space at the Special Pictures studio in Hollywood. * * * E. L. Smith, business manager for Jesse D. Hampton is expected beck from a Manhattan business trip this week. * * * Corxelius Vaxderbilt. Jr.. hailed as the richest reporter in the world, has been a visitor at the coast picture plants during the past week. Louis Gottschalk, the well known composer, has been engaged by Metro to prepare the musical score for Rex Ingram's "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."