Exhibitors Herald (Apr-Jun 1921)

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40 i; X H I HI TORS HERALD June 25, 1921 Pledges of Cooperation NEBRASKA Aurora Mr. Martin J. Quigley, Exhibitors Herald. My Dear Mr. Quigley: You will please find enclosed signed pledge coupon for membership in the PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE. This is what the industry hes been in need of for a long while. Thanks to the "Exhibitors Herald" for sponsoring it. Yours for cooperation, MAZDA AMUSEMENT COMPANY, Jas. Schoonover & Son. MASSACHUSETTS New Bedford Mr. Martin J. Quigley, Exhibitors Herald. Dear Sir: Enclosed find my application for membership in PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE. Would say I personally ran a full-page Sunday display ad under the caption, "Be Fair to the Movies," which I believe was made up by the Screen Art Advertising Service of Chicago. We also ran slides on censorship for several weeks previous to the hearing at our state house, and sincerely believe that it stirred up our patrons to the extent of their taking up censorship with the various representatives. With best wishes to you and your paper, which I believe is taking a step forward (over other trade papers) on the censorship problem. Respectfully yours, GEORGE W. ALLEN, JR , Allen-Charette, Inc. MICHIGAN Marietta Exhibitors Herald, Chicago, 111. Dear Sir: This is to thank you for your efforts in my behalf in regard to Sunday shows in Marlette. It was a fight against the Methodist church and the theatre. The church has ruled the town for about fifteen years. On election morning they got out their autos and hauled every old woman in town to the polls, telling them they were voting against movies and baseball. Baseball on Sunday was mere propaganda and had never been mentioned. Anyway, they defeated me, and as I had promised to abide by the decision of the majority, it looks like the end of Sunday shows. Yours respectfully, HARRY HOBOLTH, Liberty Theatre. Detroit Mr. Martin J. Quigley, Exhibitors Herald. Dear Sir: I certainly endorse your stand on conducting campaign of education. It is our only salvation. Very truly yours, JACK CAIRNS, Brooklyn theatre. Notice! Because of space limitations the list of new members in the PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE is omitted from this issue. Publication of these names will be resumed in the next, July 2, issue of "Exhibitors Herald." UTAH Lehi Mr. Martin J. Quigley, Exhibitors Herald. Dear Sir: We herewith enclose our pledge to the PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE "For the Freedom of Motion Pictures" and assure you that we want to lend a hand in the good work and for the continuation of American liberty now, henceforth and forever. Very truly, S. I. GOODWIN, Royal theatre. NEW HAMPSHIRE Franklin Mr. Martin J. Quigley, Exhibitors Herald. My dear Sir: Enclosed find pledge card for the PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE. And I am in favor of a movement of this kind first, last and all the time. W« have got to stand together for our rights as motion picture theatre owners and for the freedom of the screen. Let every exhibitor put his shoulder to the wheel and push onward in this great movement. Cooperation it must be and cooperation we must have. And with this we must win. Wishing the PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE the greatest success, I am, Sincerely yours. C. H. BEAN, President, Motion Picture Theatre Owners of New Hampshire. IOWA Cedar Falls Mr Martin J. Quigley, Exhibitors Herald. Dear Mr. Quigley: Am enclosing herewith my pledge to the PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE. I think it's great stuff. Very truly yours, A. M. BROWN, New Regent theatre. THE PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE PLEDGE ~D ■ laPlolion <-* Sponsored by EXHIBITORS HERALD in the interest of the INDUSTRY and the PUBLIC "For the Freedom of Motion Pictures" I realize the existence of a concerted movement on the part of radical reformers to establish a dictatorship over the motion picture industry through the enactment of drastic and un-American laws. Knowing that immediate action must be taken to maintain the freedom of the screen, / PLEDGE MYSELF TO THE CAUSE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE, my only obligation to be that I will use, whenever conditions permit, the slide of the League, and in this manner do my part in arousing public sentiment against this radical and oppressive legislation. Si in and mail to EXHIBITORS M HERALD, 417 South Dearborn Street, Name Chicago. You then will be enrolled as Theatre a member if the PUBLIC RIGHTS LEAGUE. City ign And Become a Member of League