Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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January 7, 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD / the Drama "Stardust Picture for Extra Runs! Here's every word of the newspaper reviews in cities where the Drama opened with tremendous success 25 99 [i3TERFUL AND LERB HANDLING Louisville Evening Tost Y, lilldred, I received your communication g.ier with many others, all making a request elcal with yours. I >e Hampton is evidently a very popular young d in Louisville, judging from the crowds that K greeted her on every turn. Lent to see "Star Dust," expecting to witness ist enjoyable photoplay. One hour and forty Ines later I left the Kentucky not the least t isappointed, but on the contrary, glad I had it for "Star Dust" is one of those human pict which comes too rarely to our screens. 1 ly Becker," as played by Miss Hampton, is ge clipped from life. Ir struggle, which began when a mere slip girl, continuing down through the various is of life which brought her to the very brink, iced superb and masterful handling throughout, r i the very start. Miss Hampton completely c her audience and the sympathy thus created ilws her through the entire six reels and when i final fade-out finds her achieving the longitit goal — that of an opera star — one feels as i gh he should pattern after her "Daddy" and ii right up and shout, just as he did when a gal, my baby" scores her triumphant sucI as "Thais." ere Is only one criticism, "Star Dust" is too it, and, had the producers permitted "Lily" r the other characters to live, say another reel rwo. It would have been Just the more enjoyt A better recommendation could hardly be nicled. nevertheless, that's my opinion of ■ r Dust." iss Hampton's effort outshines anything she i ever attempted on the screen before, and I i tion whether any actress in the silent drama :d have given a better interpretation of the In the dramatic moments, as well as In the iter scenes, Miss Hampton showed a versatility l.cting which was most marked, stamping her in artist of genuine ability. Her "Lily Becker" | go down as one of the screen treats of the 'ieing with Miss Hampton is a cast, headed by ;ies Rennie, which has been assembled with ■ Judgment. Every character Is ideally suited lis or her part; the photography is splendid, :p and clear: the settings massive in many inices, particularly the opera scene, while the ction given the picture by Hobart Henley Is very best contribution to the silver sheet. ■oUowing the conclusion of the picture Miss Bipton steps out In real life, the Kentucky aagement having secured the little star for a ee-day appearance. She is a picture, with a le that fairly radiates sunshine and happiness. ■ little talk Is delightfully refreshing after ing listened to some of our other cinema stars, le her vocal efforts are likewise highly enterling and exceedingly well done. Star Dust" and Miss Hampton are an irresist• combination. I understand you are leaving lisvllle Sunday, Miss Hampton. Come again, you have won everyone by your sweet and cnanly manner, and we would like to see more you In real life. AMERICA'S MOST ENTRANCING PICTURE Louisville Herald When Fannie Hurst wrote "Star Dust," she probably did not think that the characters of her pen would some day live and spread joy, pathos and merriment as Hope Hampton and an excellent cast make them do in the screen version of her story, which opened Louisville's newest theatre, the Kentucky, last night. Deviating little from the original story, the screen version might be termed "America's most entrancing picture." It proved unusually appealing to the Louisville audiences which viewed it yesterday. It made its audiences laugh, then sways them to tears, which are quickly swept away with apealing, happy, joyous situations. At no time throughout the performance does the play drag. Miss Hope Hampton, who appeared in person, was most charming and gracious. Nothing is left undone in the production of the picture. The photography is excellent, the scenes and settings show master workmanship. Each detail of the picture has been carefully cared for. In short, lovers of real photoplays shou'd not miss "Star Dust." Thousands of persons attempted to crowd into the Kentucky to see "Star Dust," and also to see and hear Miss Hampton, who not only appeared on the screen, but stepped out in real life following the showing of her cinema offering. With the appearance of the charming Hope the huge crowd made the welkin ring and it was several minutes before she could proceed with her story of how "she got In the movies." The picture, without the personal appearance of the winsome little star, would have been in itself a rare treat, but added to this the appearance of Miss Hampton in her entertaining monolog and delightful songs, promised Louisville an evening it found much to its relish. B. G. P. STORY GIVEN REMARKABLE INTERPRETATION Charlotte, N. C. A great, gripping human story transformed into life itself by way of the screen — Briefly, that summarizes "Star Dust," the First National Attraction, with beautiful Hope Hampton apearing in the featured role, which «> o-iven its first public showing in the United States yesterday at the Broadway theatre here. This special pre-release was arranged by Manager Craver in compliment to Miss Hampton, who arrived here yesterday morning to attend the opening of the Southern Motion Picture exposition tonight, the opening day being known as Hope Hampton day. ■ Star Dust" will be presented again today at the Broadway theatre, and today only, as Manager Craver announced last night that Richard Barthelmess' new play. "Torable David" would be presented Wednesday and Thursday, while Mr. Barthelmess is a visitor in this city. Hope Hampton, scintillating star, rises to new heights in this absorbing screen drama and wins fresh laurels as an artiste of the silent drama. Miss Hampton has the role of Lily Becker, a native of a small town in the middle west, whose longing to express herself in the world of music meets only derision at home. She is made the victim of a loveless marriage, and soon after leaves her brutal husband, bravely trying to carve out a career for herself unaided. The apparent hopelessness of the battle, her despair and attempt at suicide, which brings her in contact with a true friend, the death of her husband in a train wreck, her final success in the opera with a real love as the crowning triumph — these are the experiences of Lily Becker, and they provide Hope Hampton with a great opportunity to exercise her histrionic ability. The story, adapted by Anthony Paul Kelley from Fanny Hurst's immortal "Star Dust," is given a remarkable interpretation on the screen. Abounding with human interest, tinged with love, pathos, tragedy and a crowning happiness, there is not a single dull moment in this great motion picture drama, which ranks with the best film productions of recent times. MISS HAMPTON'S WORK IS SUPERB Louisville Times The Kentucky, said to be the only theatre to do honor to the name of the State, opened Thursday night to all of Louisville which could conveniently crowd into the modern picture tabernacle on Fourth Street, near Broadway. The theatre was launched with the prestige of having one of the youngest screen stars. Hope Hampton, present in person. She fairly carried Kentucky audiences by storm with her wit, beauty, voice and stunning style. Fred Levy, president of the Big Feature Rights Corporation and of the First National Pictures, Incorporated, introduced her and paid tribute to Mr. Switow, whose enterprise made the theatre a reality. "Star Dust" was the screen feature of the "debut party" and Miss Hampton was again the star. The work of Miss Hampton is superb, nothing which she has ever given the silent drama comparing with her portrayal of "Lily Becker of Paradise, Iowa." Surrounding Miss Hampton is a most remarkable cast, headed by James Rennie, whose marriage to Dorothy Gish recently was heralded broadcast. The selection of each character in "Star Dust" leaves not one jarring note in a cast of balance throughout. The photography is excellent, while the direction, which incidently was in the hands of Hobart Henley, a former Louisville boy, shows that Mr. Henley is getting on. Miss Hampton appeared in pe.son following each presentation of "Star Dust" and, as was expected, she was given a typical Southern welcome, the enthusiasm which greeted her apearance affecting the little star to no small degree, and it was several seconds before she could "pull" herself together for her "patter and song" act. Miss Hampton proved a delightful monologist, reciting her experiences of "how she got in the movies" in regular big-time style. The Kentucky is entirely different in style and appearance from any theatre in Louisville, the stained-glass skylight roofing the entire place and masking the reverse lighting fixtures for an especially beautiful interior. STARDUST 99 Suggested by \ FAtfNIE HURST'S Famous Story there'll be a Franchise evwywherg