Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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78 EXHIBITORS HERALD January 7, 1922 I CHICAGO PERSONALITIES j l ■By Mac J Frank Hammond of the Hammond Enterprises arrived home the other day after an extended visit to Havana, Cuba, looking like a real two-year-old. Judging from the aromatic odor of brother John's breath, we'll say Havana's "fountain" is all they advertise it to be — and a wee bit more ! * * * B'gosh they hev J. Obediah Campbell of the local Wid Gunning exchange doing his bit for a two weeks' stay on the jury, b'cracky ! ! As yet, we can't figger what's all about, but "Obie" promises to save any samples thet Fate may toss his way. Here's hoping? * * * H. E. Boswell, popular roadman through Illinois for the local Realart branch, is now covering the same route for manager Al Gallas of the local R-C exchange. * * * Gus Shade, manager of the Majestic theatre, Bloomington, 111., we learn is suffering a temporary breakdown. We trust this popular exhibitor will soon regain his former good health, for the boys miss you, Gus, ol' top! * * _ * • Corrington & Son, owners of the new Qintonia theatre, Clinton, 111., announce this modern temple devoted to the cinema will open Jan. 1. * * * Just to show you WE CAN'T KEEP THEM AWAY FROM IT. Here's our old pal, O. L. Hall buying the Plaza theatre, Gary, Ind., back again. Seemingly just killing time the past six months. Atta boy Hall, we are glad you admit it! * * * Dale Hanshaw, general manager of the National Exchanges, dropped off for a conference with Fred Aiken and Harry Weiss of the local branch several days back on his way through from New York City. * * * E. A. Burhorn, manager of the New Era and Blackstone Pictures exchanges, who lost his quarters recently through the big fire on East Seventh street, will for the future be located at S04 South Wabash ave t The Only Way My process of conservation of new films and effective renovating assures the exhibitor a film in ptifttt condition to his patronage. Increased earnings to exhibitor and producer. A. TEITEL 804 So. Wabash Are., CHICAGO TRAILERS On all FEATURES with or without scenes can be obtained from IRVIMCMBCK CO Quick feSffiSSS Good Service maiS^jk Woqk nue, having engaged office quarters with the local Reelcraft exchange. * * * . I. Maynard Schwartz, manager Educational exchange, has returned from his New York trip and would tell us nothing! Hope this k. w. bachelor has no serious intent toward the fair ones of old Knickerbocker town. Better give Boul. Mich, another look Maynie. Those two ultra waistcoast creations that have been noted during the past few days about the Scown building are sure thrillers. If we can get Ed Bricketto and that other handsome Beau Brummel, Gradwell Sears, of the First National sales organization, to divulge the artiste's whereabouts imagine quife a bit of waistcoat business could be worked up along the Row. Murmuring about what Santa Claus left you should see that millionaire time piece the boys of the local Fox branch had him leave for Clyde Eckhardt. Clyde was so fussed the best we could separate from him was showers of tears in appreciation. CLASSIFIED Five Cents per Word Payable in Advance. Minimum Charge, $1.00 SPECIAL FEATURE FILM THEATRE MANAGERS— ''Round the World" — a feature for special occasions. Write for information. WORLD, 857 South State Street, Chicago, 111. SALESMAN WANTED WANTED— Salesman acquainted with buyers and who can obtain orders for sales check books, can make favorable commission arrangements with leading Chicago concern in this line. CHICAGO SALES BOOK CO., 337 W. Madison St., Chicago. USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. Two Motiograph motor driven machines complete like new, $165 each; 1 5-K.W. Martin Rotary Converter, $350; 1 5-K.W. Martin Rotary Converter, $450; 260 Oak 20-inch Theatre Chairs, $1.75 each. J. Bunce, 4725 Park Avenue, Chicago, 111. J. E.WILLIS HTM CRAFT TRAILERS ONLY -ORICINAL-FILM-TRAILERS DON'T BE FOOIED BY CHEAP IMITATORS.. QUICK SERVICE OUR MOTTO —WE MAKE 'EM WHILE YOU WAITON EVERY PICTURE RELEASED. WRITE -WIRE -OR PHONE. TELEPHONE HARRISON 1278 34 EAST EIGHTH ST. CHICAGO / ROBERT R. LEVY, one of the pioneer Chicago exhibitors who has been appointed United States marshal for this district. Mr. Levy operates the Revelry theatre, 47th street and Calumet avenue and has, for a number of years, been interested in looking after the political end for exhibitors in the district. He is also chief deputy clerk of the criminal court. Quality plus Service DEVELOPING PRINTING TITLES Art and Announcement Titles, Cartoons Camera Man Furnished on Short Notice STANDARD MOTION PICTURE CO. 1005-1006 Mailers Bldg. Telephone Central 2347 Chicago, DL CAMERA BARGAINS Motion Picture Cameras at cash saving prices. Special professional discounts on UNIVERSALS. Immediate delivery on mil models. DeBrlo, DeFrerjoe. Pothe end tnmnj others demonstrated Id oar showroom . Send for oar cossplete catalog; st once, free on request. BASS CAMERA COMPANY Dept. H, 1 09 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. WILLEMSEN & CO. Exporters of Film Spanish Title Work a Specialty Office and Laboratory, 416 Chartres Si, New Orleans Cable Address: Willemfilm Scenery, Curtains Settings, Draperies PLUSH VELOUR -SILK SATIN SATEEN We specialize in Moving Picture Theatre work The Fabric Studios,inc. 177 No. State St. CHICAGO "Let at make your presentation artistic"