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muary 28, 1922
ACKIE COOGAN in a scene from "My Boy," an appealing little story of a motherless youngster. It is a First National attraction.
Cummings and Stewart / Star in Two Specials
For Western Picture
Irving Cumniings and Roy Stewart .ill appear as stars in two big produc10ns for Western Pictures for the state ight field. Announcement is made by rving M. Lesser and Mike Rosenberg nat Cummings will start work at once on The Man from Hell's River" an adapation from James Oliver Curwood's tory "The Coyote."
The Irving Cummings picture from he Curwood story is the second of the pecials.
The first one is now in the making. ioy Stewart stars in the picture adapted rom a story written by H. H. Van Loan. The supporting cast includes Marjorie 3aw, George Nichols and Wallace ieery. Robert Thomby is directing.
lobbins Will Establish
Local Agencies on Tour
Herman Robbins, general manager of National Screen Service, Inc., has started >n a tour of important exchange cities jetween New York City and Chicago for he purpose of establishing local agencies or the company. Mr. Robbins will visit Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Deroit, Indianapolis and other cities.
During his trip he will put into effect nany of the plans of expansion competed by the company to increase the efficiency of its service to exhibitors.
Rights for Selig Animal
Serial are Sold Abroad
Export & Import Film Company, Inc., owning the world rights to "The Jungle Goddess." the fifteen-episode animaliungle serial which Colonel Wm. N. Selig is making, has sold the rights for the film to Australasia Film Company for Australia. New Zealand, Philippines, India, Ceylon, Burmah, Japan, China. Dutch East Indies, Straits "Settlements and Siam.
Special Attractions and Advertising Stir Interest in R-C Pictures Week
General Manager Charles R. Rogers States Record Making Number of Bookings Reported for Period from February 5 to 12
A record making number of bookings are reported by Charles R. Rogers, general manager of distribution, for R-C Picture Week, which will be observed from February 5 to 12.
Special attractions backed by a comprehensive national advertising campaign, including a letter writing contest, have combined to stir widespread interest among exhibitors and the public, says Mr. Rogers. He continued:
Rogers Explains Purpose
"Arranged primarily for the purpose of giving exhibitors an unusual opportunity to pack their theatres, make extra profits and to build good will among their patrons, R-C Week also will serve to acquaint exhibitors with the high calibre of the productions now being produced and distributed by R-C Pictures.
"Among the special attractions announced as available to exhibitors during R-C Week is Pauline Frederick in 'Two Kinds of Women,' founded on the thrilling Western novel 'Judith of Blue Lake Ranch,' from the pen of Jackson Gregory. It is a picture rich in exciting incident and the wholesome outdoor atmosphere of the West with Miss Frederick at her best.
Offer Hayakawa Picture
"Sessue Hayakawa's picture to be given to exhibitors during R-C Week is 'Five Davs to Live,' which brings new honors to Mr. Hayakawa, who, according to many critics, stands in a class by himself as a dramatic actor. Mrs. Hayakawa. known to film fans as Tsuru Aoki, appears in support of the noted star, together with a cast of superb players, including some of the best-known actors who ever came out of the Orient.
"Doris Mav's two R-C attractions, 'The Foolish Age' and 'Eden and Return,' are among the attractions available during R-C Week. They are both light, fast moving vehicles in which the star employs her inimitable talents at farce to best advantage.
"William Christy Cabanne has rung the bell again, so to speak, with his sensa
tional production, 'At the Stage Door,' a picture rich in the alluring atmosphere of the stage and of life behind the scenes.
Schedules French Film
"L. J. Gasnier is represented by 'Silent Years,' a dramatic production founded on the novel 'Mam'selle Jo' by Harriet Cornstock. It tells a powerful story of life amid a little group of simple folk who live in that picturesque country on the shore of the St. Lawrence river. Among those in the cast are Rose Dione, eminent French actress; Pauline Starke, Tully Marshall, George Seigmann, George McDaniel, and others.
"Another notable production available during the week is 'Possession,' Louis Mercanton's sensational French production based on Sir Anthony Hope's novel, 'Phroso,' and depicting a gripping tale of romance and adventure on a mythical island in the Aegean Sea."
Warners to Produce Two Barry Pictures
Arrange With Neilan for Star's Services in Two New Plays
Harry M. Warner of Warner Brothers, has made arrangements with Marshall Xeilan for Wesley Barry's services in two new productions to be produced by Harry Rapf and directed by William Xigh who produced and directed the latest Barry-Warner feature, "School Days."
Use Former Stage Plays
The two productions to be made by the Warner organization are "From Rags to Riches," the melodrama in which Joe Santley starred for A. H. Woods, and "Little Heroes of the Street," written by Lem Parker. Both of these have been stage plays and it is predicted that their value as screen productions will surpass the vogue they attained before the footlights.
Production on the first story will be started by Rapf and Nigh on or about May 1. The popularity of the freckledfaced star, and the opportunities he will be offered in the two forthcoming features are expected to surpass the approval that has been accorded his latest starring vehicle, Gus Edwards' "School Days." Book "School Days"
The Gus Edwards classic has been booked by scores of first-run theatres, among them being the Allen theatre, Cleveland; Metropolitan theatre, Washington, D. C; the Beacon, Park and Modern theatres, Boston; Shea's Hippodrome, Buffalo; and Balaban & Katz's Chicago.
Kathlyn Williams Home
After Tour of House
Kathlyn Williams, Paramount actress who has been making personal appearances through the East for the past two months, has returned to her Hollywood home. Miss Williams is the wife of Charles Eyton, general manager of Paramount's West Coast studios.