Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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February 11. 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD HE POPE EVER. FILMED w m HE POPE EVER. FILMED A FORTUNE IF RELEASED AS SPECIAL We don't have to tell you what a cleanup International could make it it released this as a special. You know it as well as we do. When you corner the market on a commodity you can demand and receive any price you ask jor it. We have cornered the market on these pictures but we'd rather make friends than momentary big profits. International News Service mean service in every sense of the word and big scoops are only a part of that service. NO EXTRA CHARGE These remarkable pictures are coming to you in a regular release, on the regular schedule at the regular price. It cost us thousands of dollars to procure them and thousands more dollars to rush them out ahead of schedule, and we are hoping to get it all back— in your good will. It's a big opportunity for you. Go to it and make as much money as you can. The more you make the better we shall be pleased. ONE MORE VICTORY FOR INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITORS Just a word to exhibitors not showing the international Xews. We've told you time and again of scoops and beats we have secured. We've tried to impress upon you that International Xews, backed by the world-wide Hearst newspaper organization, has greater facilities than anyone else to secure the news first. Here is just one more instance of what we have been telling you. You can't afford to deny your patrons this greatest of scoops. Better sign your International News contract today, get the benefit of this scoop and be ready for those to come.