Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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90 EXHIBITORS HERALD February 11, 1922 SHORT SUBJECTS COMEDIES ARROW FILM CORP. BROADWAY, with Eddie Barry. CRUELLYWED, Lilie Leslie. SPEED, Charlotte Merriam. MIRTHQUAKES, Bobby Dunn. SPOTLIGHT, one reel. ASSOCIATED EXHIBITORS I DO, with Harold Lloyd. NEVER WEAKEN, with Harold Lloyd. NOW OR NEVER, with Harold Lloyd. AMONG THOSE PRESENT, with Harold Lloyd. AY WON FILM CORP. JOY COMEDIES. C. B. C. FILM SALES ■ALL ROOM BOYS COMEDIES, two real*. CELEBRATED PLAYERS CELEBRATED COMEDIES. DOMINANT PICTURES, INC. NEW-WED COMEDIES, one reel. EDUCATIONAL FILM CORP. CAMPBELL COMEDIES. Assorted Heroes, two reels. CHRISTIE COMEDIES, two reel* Nothing Like It. Oh, Buddy. In for Life Falling for Fanny. Exit Quietly. A Pair of Sexes. Pure and Simple. Saving Sister Susie. Kiss and Make Up. No Parking. TORCHY COMEDIES, two reels. Torchy's Promotion. Doggone Torchy. Torchy a la Cart. Torchy Takes a Chance. MERMAID COMEDIES, two reels. Sunless Sunday. Robinson Crusoe, Ltd. The Vagrant. For Land's Sake. Free and Easy. TOONERVILLE TROLLEY SERIES The Skipper's Last Resort, two reels. VANITY COMEDIES, one reel. GAYETY COMEDIES, one reel. CAMPBELL COMEDIES A Nick-of-Time Hero, two reels. The Stork's Mistake, two reels. SELIG-RORK PHOTOPLAYS The White Mouse, two reels. FILM SALES CO. BILLY RUGE COMEDIES, one reel. JOLLY COMEDIES, one reel. FILM SPECIAL COMEDIES, one reel. FAMOUS PLAYERS-LASKY PARAMOUNTARBUCKLE COMEDIES, two reels. PARAMOUNT-DE HAVEN COMEDIES, two reels PARAMOUNT-MACK SENNETT COMEDIES, two reels. FIRST NATIONAL CHARLES CHAPLIN COMEDIES A Dog's Life, three reels. A Day's Pleasure, two reels. Shoulder Arms, two reels. Sunnyside, two reels. The Kid, six reela The Idle Class, two reela TOONERVILLE TROLLEY COMEDIES, two reela THE PLAYHOUSE, BUSTER K EATON, two reels. FEDERATED FILM MONTE BANKS COMEDIES, two reels. HALLROOM BOYS COMEDIES, two reela. C L. CHESTER COMEDIES, two reels. JOE ROCK COMEDIES, one reel. FOX FILM CORP. CLYDE COOK COMEDIES, two reels The Jockey. The Sailor. The Toreador. The Chauffeur. AL ST. JOHN SERIES, two reels. Small Town Stuff. The Happy Poet The Indian. SUNSHINE COMEDIES, two reels. Say it with Flowers. The Book Agent. Siager Midget's Side Show. One Moment Please. A Perfect Villain. Love and War. GOLD WYN PICTURES CAPITOL COMEDIES, two reels. Why Worry? Nothing to Think About. Take It Easy. METRO NEIGHBORS, two reels. Buster Keaton. THE HAUNTED HOUSE, two reels, Buster Keaton. NATIONAL EXCHANGES KING COLE COMEDIES, two reels. RAINBOW COMEDIES, two reels. PATHE EXCHANGE, INC. VANITY FAIR GIRLS COMEDIES, one reel ROLIN COMEDIES, one reel. ROLIN TWO REELERS, two reels. HAL ROACH COMEDIES, one reel. GAYLORD LLOYD COMEDIES, one reel. HAROLD LLOYD COMEDIES, two reels. PHOTO PRODUCTS EXPORT FLAGG COMEDY RENEWALS, one reel PINNACLE PRODUCTIONS, INC. DAMFOOL TWIN COMEDIES, two reels. PINNACLE COMEDIES, two reels, with Max Roberts. RADIN PICTURES, INC. JOHNNY DOOLEY COMEDIES. REELCRAFT PICTURES ALADDIN COMEDIES, one reel. MIRTH COMEDIES, two reels. SUN-LITE COMEDIES, two reels. ROBERTSON-COLB SUPREME COMEDIES, one reel. UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO. CENTURY COMEDIES, two reels. STAR COMEDIES, one reel. VITAGHAPH BIG V SPECIAL COMEDIES, two reela. LARRY SEMON COMEDIES, two reels. The Bakery. The Fall Guy. The Bell Hop. The Sawmill. JIM AUBREY COMEDIES, two reals. The Blizzard. The Tourist. The Riot. The Applicant. WARNER PICTURES MONTY BANKS COMEDIES Clean and dry. DRAMAS ARROW FILM CORP. BLAZED TRAIL PRODUCTIONS, ona •▼err other week, two reels. ARROWNORTHWOOD DRAMAS, two reela O. B. C. FILM SALES STAR RANCH WESTERNS, two reels, bimonthly. DOMINANT PICTURES, INC. WESTERN STAR DRAMAS, two reels. PATHS ADVENTURES OF BILL AND BOB, one reel TOM SANTSCHI WESTERNS, two reels. HOLMAN DAY SERIES, two reels. MAJ. JACK ALLEN SERIES, one reel. PIONEER NICK CARTER SERIES, two reela C. B. PRICE CO. INDIAN DRAMAS, featuring Mona Darkfeather, one reel. REELCRAFT PICTURES TEXAS GUINAN WESTERNS, two reels. RUSSELL PRODUCTIONS FRANK BRAIDWOOD, in two reel Westerns. SELZNICK PICTURES WILLIAM J. FLYNN Detective Series, two reela UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO. RED RIDER SERIES (Leonard Chapman), two WESTERN AND RAILROAD DRAMAS, two COLLIER SERIES. Thai Leather Pushers," two reel 8. SCENICS EDUCATIONAL— Robert C. Bruce Scenic* Beaa tiful, one reel (every two weeks). EDUCATIONAL— Chester Outing Scenic*, oat reel (every week). EDUCATIONAL— Screenics, one reel (every twa weeks). EDUCATIONAL— Sketehografs, one reel. EDUCATIONAL— World Wanderings, on* reel. PARAMOUNT— Burton Holmes Travel Pictarea. one reel (every week). Seville in Fair Time. At the Wailing Wall. Rural Java. Sante Fe— the City Different. Seeing San Marino. Watching the Wayands. In Old Granada. A Fairy Foreland. REELCRAFT— Keelcraft Scenics, one reel. ROBERTSON-COLE— Martin Johnson Series, on* reel. ROBERTSON-COLE — Adventure Scenics, am* reel. SPECIAL PICTURES— Sunset Burrud Sceni* Stories. NATIONAL EXCHANGESKineto Review, me reel issued weekly. MISCELLANEOUS ARROW— Sport Pictorials, one reel. C. B. C. SALES — Screen snapshots, one re*L COMMONWEALTH— Spanuth's Original Vod-a Vil Movies. COMMONWEALTH— Spanuth's Seraenettea. EDUCATIONAL, one reel. Golf, slow motion. Annette Kellerman in high diving. The Manly Art of Self Defense. FAMOUS PLAYERS— Paramount Magazine, oas reel (weekly). FEDERATED— Screen snapshots, one reel each. GOLD WYN — Gold wyn-B raj Pictograput. GREIVER— Greiver Educational* KINETO— Kineto Reviews, one reeL KINETO— Charles Urban Movie Chats, one reel. KINETO— Urban Popular Classics. PATHE— Topics of the Day. PATHE— Pathe Review, one reel. PATHE— Aesop's Fables Cartoon*, twothirds rest PIONEER— Luke McLuke's Film-Osoahy. R AT">TN — Brind's Wonders of Nature SELECT— Herbert Kaufman Masterpiece*. ■ * E ENTERPRISES— Co wWy Jan. twa r*as*. STOREY PICTURES-Shadowland Screen Review. one reel every two weeks. STORY PICTURES — Burlesque Photoplays, two reels. SERIALS ADVENTURES OF TARZAN SERIAL SALES— Adventures of Tarzan (Elmo Lincoln). ARROW— Thunderbolt Jack (Jack Hoxie). The Blue Fox (Ann Little). Nan of the North (Ann Little). FOX — Fantomas; Bride IS. FEDERATED— Miracles of Jungle. PATHE— The Sky Ranger (Geo. B. Seita sad June Caprice). PATHE— Hurricane Hutch (Charles Hutchinaea). PATHE— The Yellow Arm (Ruth Roland). NATIONAL EXCHANGES— The Great Reward. SELZNICK— The Whirlwind. The Branded Four. UNIVERSAL— The Diamond Queen (Eilee* Sedgwick). UNIVERSAL— The White Horseman (Art Acord). UNIVERSAL— Do or Die (Eddie Polo). UNVERSAL— Winners of the West (Art Acord). UNIVERSAL— The Secret Four (Eddie Polo). VITAGRAPH— The Silent Avenger (Williaa Duncan). VITAGRAPH— The Purple Riders (Joe Ryan and Elinor Fair). VITAGRAPH— Fighting Fate (William Danaaa and Edith Johnson). VITAGRAPH— Hidden Dangers (Joe Ryan saa Jean Paige). VITAGRAPH— The Veiled Mystery (Antoal* Morenn> WARNER— The Lost City. Miracles of Jungle. NEWS REELS FEDERATED (once a week) Ford Weekly. FOX NEWS (twice a week) at Fox exchanges. INTERNATIONAL NEWS (Mondays and Thars days) at Universal exchanges. KINOGRAMS (twice a week) at Educational a* changes. PATHE NEWS (Wednesdsys and Saturdays) M Pathe Exchange. SELZNICK NEWS (twice a week) at Select exchanges. ANIMATED CARTOONS AESOP'S FABLES (Pathe). THE GUMPS (Celebrated Players). MTTTT AND IEFF (Fox). EDUCATIONAL— Sketchogrsfs, one reel. SPECIALS EDUCATIONAL FILM CORP. Babe Ruth — How He Knocks His Heme Kan*. Art of Diving, with Annette Kellcnvan. The Race of the Age (Man o' War).