Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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February 18. 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 31 Film News in Pictures PICTORIAL SECTION of Exhibitors Herald Issue of February 18 Stories Told by the Camera Police were called out to keep the throngs of admirers in check during Mae Murray's recent trip to Havana, Cuba. Miss Murray is star of "Peacock Alley," a Tiffany production distributed by Metro. Robert Z. Leonard directed. "Give me a light, Mike." "All right, Mr. Auerbach." Such is the conversation you might have heard when this picture of L. Auerbach of Export & Import Film Co., and Mike and Mary, famous chimpanzees, was taken at the Selig studio where the animal serial, "The Jungle Goddess," is being produced. This is all the camera caught, and it doesn't represent half of the crowd that gathered to welcome Wesley (Freckles) Barry to Chicago. The star is appearing at the Balaban & Katz houses in conjunction with the presentation of his latest Marshall Neilan-First National production, "Penrod." Wesley has been giving all the children a treat in his rounds of the various schools. One in ten million couldn't guess it. It's Bryant Washburn as he looked to the camera when he peered through a lens at close range. Funny what the camera will do. Washburn will be seen n e x t in Goldwy n's "Hungry Hearts."