Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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February 18. 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 33 Charles Ray signs to distribute hit independently made pictures through United Artists. Mayor Dana P. Eicke presenting the key to the city of Stockton, Cal., to Viola Dana on her arrival there to make a personal appearance at Loew's State theatre. Manager Mark M. Leichter of the theatre stands on the star's left. Miss Dana's two most recent Metro productions are, "Fourteenth Lover" and "Glass Houses," the latter to be published on March 6. One of the pleasures of trade paper work — interviewing a star. With Miss du Pont, Universal star, who passed through Chicago recently en route East, are (left to right): Hill Bernstein, Ascher Brothers; W. L. Hill, "U" publicity director at Chicago; Fred McQuig, "Chicago American"; L. H. Mason, Motion Picture News, and J. Ray Murray, "Exhibitors Herald." Striking pose of Corinne Griffith in a scene from one of her latest Vitagraph productions, "Island Wives." Director Edward Le Saint forgot it was his birthday until Constance Binney and company tendered him a surprise luncheon while on location for "The Sleepwalker," which will be available during Paramount's Anniversary Month beginning on March 5. The director and star are seated in the center of the group.