Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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February 18, 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 75 Tisdale Gives Views of Company On Competitive Renting of Films Following resolutions adopted at the Illinois Motion Picture Theatre Owners convention at Peoria recently condemning the practice of the distribution by certain exchanges of films to non-theatrical organizations F. M. Tisdale, president of Tisdale Industrial Film Corporation has issued a statement defining the policies of his company on the matter. "Our firm has long advocated the exclusive use of all moving pictures in moving picture theatres" says Mr. Tisdale. "The exhibitor is entitled to every cent of revenue derived from the exhibition of motion pictures and in my ten years in the producing field I have yet to deviate from this policy. Is Adjunct to Program "Hundreds of letters from churches, schools, Y. M. C. A.'s and other organizations have been received by the Tisdale Company requesting their services and productions. Offers of exclusive picture privileges for national evnts to be filmed for showing in various clubs and societies, are constantly being received. But Tisdale company adheres to its original purpose, making local feature productions for exhibitors, and are reaping the benefit in staunch co-operation. "The thinking man cannot but realize the folly of 'killing the goose that lays the golden egg,' and that is just what the film concern attempts to do by assisting the non-theatrical user to get the admission money which the exhibitor is entitled to. Industrial films as an adjunct to the program of the theatre, are inevitable. The demand has been created for them. "The Prodigal Judge" The public has shown, through the boxoffice of theatres using them, that they want them and it just remains for the exhibitor to take advantage of them first and reap the full benefit. New Source of Revenue "The far seeing exhibitor today recognizes this coming branch of the industry and leading theatres throughout the country are finding the industrial film properly handled a new source of revenue." Says Music Reveals Success of Picture Rialto Organist States Good Photoplays are Easily Adapted to Music Acording to Herbert Burland, the organist at Grauman's Rialto theatre, an invariable gauge to the excellence of any photoplay is its adaptability to a musical accompaniment. Music Expresses Emotions "If it is easy to 'accompany,' " says Mr. Burland. "it is a good picture." "If it doesn't lend itself to musical treatment or if it is difficult to find appropriate selections for it, you can be certain that it isn't going to be a popular picture. "The explanation is simple," says Mr. Burland. "Music is the language of the emotions; successful pictures play upon the emotions. If the picture arouses emotion it will find ready interpretation in music. Take 'Saturday Night,' for instance. There's emotion back of every episode, even the most sensational, such as that of the bathing-pool scene, for even here, though everything is animation, frivolity and hilarity, the heart of the little heroine is breaking and you see her hiding herself in an alcove above the scene, sure that not even her husvand wants her to join the fashionable friends, his guests." Bradoc Directs Orchestra Anton Bradac the violinst and orchestra director at Grauman's Rialto theatre, brings to his duties a thorough European training and the reputation of a virtuoso of note. "The Prodigal Judge" Acquires Sunbury Theatre The Chestnut Street Opera House at Sunbury, Pa., has been acquired by Pietro A. Magazzu of Girardville and following repairs and remodeling has been opened as a combination house. A new projection booth has been made and several Simplex machines installed. Elaborate improvements are planned for the theatre in the near future. TDRCS OF THE DAY" Ca-r-w Vw Uv ftei 9 <Jr VorlrJ by The Literary Digest HHIBITOP? HERALD Human nature is something to train and refine: it can't be destroyed. Even the fool reformers ought to know that. — Houston Post. * "First it's the brew law; then it's the blue law." — Buffalo Enquirer. * Probably ninety per cent of the men who are trying to reform the world would be more useful citizens if they would go to work. — Boston Shoe and Leather Reporter. * There's one consolation — the reformers can't compel us to close our umbrellas on a rainy Sunday. — Seattle Post Intelligencer. With blue law offic'als taking the sun out of Sunday and police, deputy sheriffs, constabulary and federal agents taking the moon out of the other six days, about all the average citizen sees is the stars. — Denver Times. * Reformers are people who take your money and give advice. The only thing we need to destroy our civilization is a few more reformers. — Columbia Record. * The movies are the democratic amusemen of a democratic people. These people are the best judges of what is good for them. They exercise natural censorship by patronage for good pictures and boycott for bad ones. Any additional censorship is superfluous. — San Francisco Examiner. * Does one seek to reform others because one wants to save their souls or because they annoy him? Benevolence or irritable selfishness, which? — St. Louis GlobeDemocrat. CLASSIFIED Five Cents per Word Payable in Advance. Minimum Charge. $1.00 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE— Wurlitzer Orchestra Piano Style "G,p eight instruments, automatic or by hand. One Hertner Transverter. 50-50, 25 cycle; one Hertner Transverter. 35-35, 60 cycle. Also Ticket Selling machine. Address "A J. O.", care of Exhibitors Herald, Chicago. SPECIAL FEATURE FILM THEATRE MANAGERS— "Round the World" — a feature for special occasions. Write for information. WORLD, 857 South State Street, Chicago. 111. THEATRE FOR SALE FOR SALE — Theatre in a College Town of 5.000. All modern equipment. Elite Theatre, LeMars, la. CAMP ST., NEW ORLEANS. LA. 255 NO. 13-ST.. PHILADELPHIA PA. 64 W. RANDOLPH ST.. CHICAGO. ILL.