Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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42 1'XHIBITORS HERALD February 25, 1922 I J ■ Gladys Walton in a humorous pose in the Universal film, "The Guttersnipe," which was published recently. Shirley Mason and her "pal" in her latest starring vehicle for William Fox, "Little Miss Smiles," a story of New York's Ghetto. Dramatic scene from the Gloria SwansonParamount picture, "Her Husband's Trademark." Sam Wood was the director. Constance Talmadge mimics well known dancer in her First National picture, "Polly of the Follies." Patrick A. Powers, who has become managing director of R-C Pictures. He is now financially interested in the company. One of the action scenes from the initial Florence Vidor production for Associated Exhibitors, "Woman Wake Up." The picture will be published on March 5. Supporting the star in this feature which the distributor states has a decided audience appeal are Charles Meredith and Louis Calhern. A complete story of the exploitation possibilities of this production is published in "The Theatre" department on page 53. Otis Skinner in his role of "Mister Antonio" in the Exceptional Pictures production of the same title. Representatives of the trade and daily press, Chicago, at a luncheon tendered Wesley (Freckles) Barry, now in Chicago making personal appearances over the Balaban & Katz circuit with the presentation of Marshall Neilan's "Penrod," a First National attraction. Can you pick out Wesley?