Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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February 25. 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 85 GLORIA SWANSON in a scene from "Her Husband's Trademark" her latest Paramount picture, directed by Sam Wood. Three Barton Organs For Badger Theatres Installations Made at Xeenah. Appleton and Kenosha, Wis., Playhouses Another bit of evidence that the approach of spring weather is finding exhibitors lining up in anticipation of a return to normalcy in the business is seen in the announcement of Bartola Musical Instrument Company of Chicago of the installation of three large Barton organs in Wisconsin theatres. Entire Circuit Equipped F. W. Fisher, owner of a chain of theatres at La Salle and Kewanee, Illinois, and Madison. Wis., and who recently purchased the Grand Opera House building at Appleton. Wis., has installed a large model Barton organ in the proscenium. The instrument will have a special instrumentation to provide for all orchestral effects. Mr. Fisher's entire circuit of theatres are equipped with Barton musical instruments. D. W. Barton, secretary of the company, personally laid out the organ installation. Buys $18,000 Instrument That music is a strong feature of the proeram and of box office value in itself is the experience of John Herziger, who has made a special feature of organ music at his Orpheum theatre at Menasha. Wis. T. D. Waiss is the organist. Mr. Herziger is further emphasizing the music feature of his entertainment at his theatre in Xeenah. Wis., where an even larger Barton instrument has recently been inaugurated. The new organ is a three-manual instrument costing $18,000. Called Largest in State What will compare as one of the largest orsrans in anv theatre in the state oi Wisconsin is the Barton instrument purchased by Saxe brothers for the new $400,000 theatre at Kenosha. This instrument is fitted with a new organ invention, the divided manual. Its installation will be arranged on each side of the sta'-e in especially prepared organ lofts. A. A. Algase Op 2ns New $100,000 Playhouse at Wenatchee, Washington A. A. Algase. president of Pacific Coast Theatres and vice-president of the Xorth West Theatres Company of Seattle. Washington, operating a chain of motion picture theatres in the Northwest, has opened his new Rialto theatre at vVenatchee, Washington. The new playlouse has a seating capacity of one thou■and. The theatre building is a reinforced "oncrete and brick structure, absolutely ire proof. It embraces the last word in lectrical equipments, lighting effects and LUtomatic curtain control, together with omplete furnishings of the very finest ^rade of carpets and draperies. A fl9,000 Wurlitzer organ is used. Buildng and furnishings represent an ifivestnent of over $100,000. Two more new theatres this year are ontemplated by the company, one in •'ancouver. Washington, and one in > Astoria, Oregon. Work on these will be parted Mav 1, 1922. The new Rialto peatre will be under the management " }f F. E. Wesp, who has been associated ^ith A. A. Algase theatres for several •ears. Erstwhile Celebrities Filmed as Feature of Latest Selznick News "What They Are Doing Now," is a new department of Selznick News featuring celebrities of more or less bygone days who. though still well known and remembered by the public, have been somewhat overlooked in the general march of events. In this connection Selznick Xews has brought back into the public eye such figures as ex-world's champion boxers. "Jim" Jeffries, now a farmer, and "Battling" Xelson. now mayor of Hedgewisch. III.: Dr. Cook, famous explorer, and former tennis champion. Maurice McLaughlin. In the current issue Selznick Xews presents Ted Meredith, former Olympic champion runner, who today is employed on the Xew York Sun as a reporter: Josephus Daniels, once a member of President Wilson's cabinet as secretary of the navy, now returned to his newspaper at Raleigh. X. C. and Charles Brickley. once a great football star. First Aplin Comedy Is Completed by Sanford I". M. Santord of Sanford Productions has completed the first of a series of two reel comedies featuring Charlie Aplin. He is at present en route from Hollywood to Xew York where he will arrange for a publication contract. The title of the new comedy is "The Race Track." Chain of Fifty Theatres To Show Bible Pictures Fifty theatres of the S. A. Lynch Enterprises are covered in the contract by which Lynch theatres will play the entire output of Bible features of Sacred Film. Inc., distributed by Savini Film. Inc.. in the south. Included among the fifty playhouses is the Howard theatre. Atlanta's million dollar first run house. Western Premiere For Arrow Special Director and Stars to Attend First Showing at Los Angeles, March 12 Arrow Film Corporation's new six reel special. "The Innocent Cheat," will be given its premiere presentation at the California theatre. Los Angeles, March 12. Invite City Officials Among the representation from the Arrow organization who will attend the show will be Ben Wilson who directed the production, and Roy Stewart and Kathleen Kirkham, who play the leading parts. A prologue will be 'arranged and prominent Los Angeles city officials as well as film stars invited. Exploitation for "The Innocent Cheat." it is stated, will be on an unusually large scale, extensive bill board and newspaper advertising to be supplemented by personal letters, window displays and tieups with prominent stores in the city. Story Is Modern Arrow officials predict that the premiere of the picture will mark an event in Los Angeles. The California theatre, of which Fred A. Miller is manager, is one of the largest houses in the city seating 2.000. "The Innocent Cheat" is termed a "moral drama." with a twentieth century theme. It is from a story by J. Grubb Alexander. In the supporting cast are George Hernandez. Rhea Mitchell. Sidney de Grey and others. Title Exploits New House The World Realty Company, during the showing of the Selznick production "A Man's Home" at its two theatres in Omaha, effectively tied up advertising on the picture with its new theatre under construction by calling attention to the fact that the new theatre will not only be "A Man's Home" but "everyone's home."