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My Boy is Everybody's Boy!
Portland Telegran
Portland Telegram
Jackie Coogan Splendid in "My Boy" f
#V -Sue Bretf.
JACKIE COOGAN is everybody's | boy at the Liberty this week. Thei picture is r.xlle^ "My Boy" and it is j a pood picture, which Jackie makes j a better one. The iittlp star wears, his big cap and has the same liafr ; cut. /-also tho same smile that wins everybody from grandpas to! 4-year-olds. Besides being so abso I lutely "cute" that none of the girls, big or little can resist him, Jackie is a clever actor who can make his ' audience laugh or cry at will, which I means that he is a pretty big actor I after all. Jackie isn't anybody's boy j in the beginning of the story where i be Is "emigrating to America." His flrat aholee of the very big Cap'n BiH, I played by Claude Dillingwater. is not I a happy one financially, but Jackie! cna make money when it Is necessary. ! KIs adventure with th<* organ grinder! arxj *he monkey is only equalled by | \ the settlement "party" which he '■ I leaves by way of the back window. I After * grand chase. Jackie is caught' j by everybody aX oflce-ard Is about t,o j
be borate' aw ay' by his rich grandma in a limotjstne when he has a happy thought and persuades grandma to make it a happy ending, it is difficult to see how anyone could refuse Jackie auythin? when he , begins , to plead. The little star can dance sing (he looks as if he can sing, anyho-yr)' and do light housekeeping iii-a most, satisfactory .ma naer Ev<i!yopo who ' sees this plc'ure will wish Jackie would hurry up and make\ ajioth(?r ona4 and the folks who don't , will w1«h It Hven more wh«jii th£yhear about it. Tako all the children, but phone first aad find out when the feature starts ■ artd,leave right erf'.er th# news reej. Chere is an escaped convict thriller that is not for children, and" the Mermaid comedy has a youngster In • it with hair cu}# tpuch like Jackie's and if the youngsters are very young and see that first, they won't believe that said youngster ie not Jackie, and it "mrxi'8 them up in their minds."
Oregon ournal
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Speaking of Sol Lesser's Presentation of
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"My Boy
Directed by Victor Heerman and Albert Austin
A First National Attraction
One of the Biggest Money Makers of the Yea