Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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.March 4. 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 29 Here's the Verdict of the Press FULL OF HEART THROBS Bewitching, lovely Anita Stewart always contrives to star in a play that offers plenty of heart throbs. The excellent acting and scenic beauty will beguile you." — Detroit Times. A LWAY S DELIGHTS 'An interesting story, well acted. A star who always delights audiences." — Buffalo News. RE ER E SHIN G— O R I G I X AL "Anita Stewart demonstrates how a good cry improves an interesting and impressive picture. There is also humor that brings spontaneous laughter. The star is attractive and capable — a refreshing individuality in her acting that gives originality -Detroit Journal. IMPRESSIVE IX SPLEXDOR "A picture produced with great lavishness, extravagant appointments and a cast of several hundred. Impressive in its splendor. Players capable." — Buffalo Coin mereial. STAR PROVES ABILITY "One of the screen's prettiest stars. Story is cleverly handled with dramatic scenes and lavish production. Miss Stewart proves her emotional ability."— Detroit Free Press. GRIPPIXO DRAMA "A story that measures its heart interest in generous quantities. There are touches of pathos, gripping drama and speedy action. A large and •apable cast." — Buffalo Times. Speaking of Louis B. Mayer's presentation of ANITA STEWART The inimitable Star in "Her Mad Bargain 55 Scenario by Josephine Quirk. Direction by Edwin Carewe A First National Attraction eIher£ILbe^aFranchise_eyeryiyh&£