Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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66 EXHIBITORS HERALD March 4, 1922 ANNOUNCEMEN The Season's Bigge has been secured and N. Illinois The Celebrated Pla; 810 S. Wabash ' Gentlemen, — here's the biggest piece of news that has bee announced by the Celebrated Players Film Corporation in many month We have secured for Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois the smashing big special "Whe is my wandering boy tonight," the big Zeidman production that is now and has be< packing 'em in at the Criterion Theatre, Times Square, New York. This is the big b office winner that exhibitors have been talking about. This is the big special that Sa Zierler of Commonwealth, bo't for New York State and N. New Jersey. That Sa Grand bo't for the New England states, that Ben Amsterdam bo't for E. Penn. and New Jersey, that Stephenson Attractions Ltd. bo't for all of Canada, and that will so< be gobbled up for the rest of the world. This is the big independent winner that Jones, Linick < Schaefer booked for their Randolph Theatre, and Hugo Riesenfeld book<! for the exclusive Criterion Theatre where all the biggest Paramount specials are prsented for world premiere. This is the production that made a score of hard boil I independent exchangemen shed real tears. This is the picture that brought hundres of anxious booking inquiries to Equity Pictures, New York offices long before a dolk* worth of territory was sold. This is a picture that is destined to make an historic! clean up for every exhibitor who plays this film backed by the ready prepared exploittion produced by Equity Pictures, who have prepared amazing stunts, remarkab posters, wonderful newspaper ads and astonishing accessories. CELEBRATED PLAYEJ8 810 So. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO