Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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March 4. 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 67 EXTRAORDINARY )iitstanding Success <!iana, Wisconsin » Friedman of In Corporation ago, Illinois Ve are not afraid to tell you that five other Western independ it distributors were after this picture hot foot, and we aren't a bit backard in saying that securing this picture for our trade in this territory is a genuine xomplishment and we paid top price to cinch the deal. We believe we know box nee winners. Proof of that is the fact that within 24 hours after the world premiere : the Criterion nearly half of the entire territory of the United States, including anada was sold — bought by the shrewdest independent exchangemen in the industry, hese men serve thousands of exhibitors. These men must know box office values here they lay down hard cold cash, especially in theses times. bookings for "Where is my wandering boy tonight" are now ising taken. Exhibitors will be accommodated as rapidly as the arrangements can be completed in order of their receipt. We've got a genuine box office inner Gentlemen, and we are going to share our stroke of good luck with our ade. Backed by the red hot exploitation as prepared by Equity, every exhibitor ho handles this picture should make one of the biggest financial clean ups in s history. Wire, write, long distance phone or call in person and let us tell you • ill more. Don't wait. Don't delay. DON'T let your competitor grab this winner ivay from you. Here's real money for you, the biggest you ever had. Communinte today, — immediately with. •ILM CORPORATION Toy Building, MILWAUKEE