Exhibitors Herald (Apr-Jun 1922)

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April 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 69 NEWSPICTURES TI/777/ a view to giving the exhibitor a better understanding of the importance of the ww News Weekly, to himself and to his public, and also for the purpose of providing ways and means whereby the exhibitor may apply better exploitation to his News Reel feature, the "Herald" has established this department. NEWSPICTURES PERFECT THE SERVICE OF THE PRESS A NEWSPICTURES EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN "Newspictures are always good !" In that sentence, which should be made a slogan, the advertising possibilities of the news reel are strikingly revealed. Because of the great box office benefits to be derived from proper capitalization of these possibilities we offer herewith the first of a series of educational advertisements for theatre use. Reasons prompting this extension of "Herald" service follow: The newspicture is the one form of screen material into the composition of which stellar temperament, directorial whim, adaptorial fallability and related factors involving the human and artistic elements do r.ot enter. Newspicture content is natural, exact. Only in the selection of events and the editing of footage is the merit of the news reel subjected to human influence, and in this work keen competition and a comparatively small field insure utmost capability. It follows that in advertising newspictures the exhibitor may at once dispose of the quality consideration with the statement that newspictures are always good. He may proceed, then, to the business of selling to the public a •staple and unvarying article, a product of uniform character. Since the theatre advertiser is accustomed to write his advertising always with one eye turned critically upon his product and the other calculatingly upon his Dublic, it is apparent that a different technique should be evolved in writing newspicture copy. Here he may assume the sometimes envied position of the established merchandise advertiser and speak continuously and progressively of the newsfilm. * » * The obviously important campaign is the basic, educational one which has as its aim the definite fixation of a single idea in the public mind. Which does not mean that the fixation of that idea should mark the end of newspicture advertising. Rather, it should mark the actual beginning. The purpose of the series of advertisements which is introduced on this page is to demonstrate to showmen the possibilities of newspicture advertising and to provide at the same time constructive copy which may be clipped and used in local newspapers by those who wish to conduct an educational campaign in pace with the development of this department. This copy will be written during the «arly part of the series with the aim of preparing the reading public for actual headline advertisements of individual newspicture editions. It is apparent that such preparation is properly the first end to be given consideration. Brief review of comedy history leads directly to the fundamental reason for a campaign of this nature. Following publication of a widely read and quoted article, " — And a Comedy." which appeared in the exploitation department of the Herald a little more than two years ago, exhibitors generally took up the advertising of comedy subjects on a proper scale for the first time. The present excellent status of comedy advertising is FINAL EDITION Xewspicture editors are requested to report contents of current editions regularly and as far in advance as possible to this department. FOX NEWS, Xo. 48: Irish march in honor of St. Patrick in New York City — William G. McAdoo arrives in Los Angeles — President Harding plays golf at Ormond Beach, Fla. — King and Queen of Greece honor memory of late Pope at Athens — New Yankee challenger schooner launched at Essex, Mass. — Western mayor builds loco-auto — Ostriches at Pasadena live on oranges — Face to Face with Japan, showing Japanese "Coney Island." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. No. 24: Atlantic ship lanes cleared of derelicts— Free shaves inaugurate beard raising contest in Sacramento — Aviator "drops in" on lawmakers at Washington— More Rhine troops arrive home at Portland, Me. — Speed record in firing big guns made at Fort McArthur, Cal. — -French surgeon treats sick tigress in Paris — Marion Davies displays Spring fashions in New York City — English steeplechase season opens at Bletchington — Tad Cartoon, "Daffy Magicians." KIN OGRAM3, No. 2130: Rhine troops in last review at Coblenz, Germany — Wild steers escape in New York City — Observe 146th anniversary of Evacuation Day at South Boston, Mass. — University of Minnesota students in grotesque annual parade — Chilo, chimpanzee, arrives at Milwaukee zoo — Wesley Barry mayor of St. Louis for nve minutes — Foreign children enjoy American capital — Personalities in the news of the week. No. 2131: Rhine troops arrive home — Bonus bill passes in lower house — Champions win indoor tennis tournament in Boston — French war veterans hold bike race in Paris — "Civic Virtue" statue criticized by New York women — Largest cake ever made celebrates Minneapolis building show — Congressmen see new baby biplane in Capitol plaza — Schoolgirls set flapper fashions at New York art center — Personalities in the news of the week. SELZNICK NEWS, No. 1025: Rhine troops arrive at Portland. Me. — Princeton varsity crew begins practice — Crown Prince of Afghanistan visits Paris — Whiskers race begins in Sacramento — Sally Milgrim's fashions are posed by Alfred Cheney Johnston in New York City — Box with feet in Paris — Japan has heaviest snowfall in 30 years — Cabaret dancers arrested in New York cabaret — Parisian editors agree to fight duel — Lady Rhondda first woman member of British House of Lords — Notables sail for Europe. WHAT you read in newspapers makes up the bulk of your general knowledge. WHERE the newspaper leaves off, with word description and still camera illustration, the screen begins. NEWSPICTURES perfect the vital service of the printing press to civilization by "showing you" what the newspaper "tells you about." SEE the news at — THE PALACE well known. Newspictures offer special advantages even more attractive than did the comedy at that time. It remains for a few progressive showmen to take the lead in their exploitation. With such it is the earnest desire of this department to cooperate to the fullest extent. SELZNICK NEWS BANS TRITE EVENTS David O. Selznick, managing director of Selznick News, has issued instructions for the elimination of ship launchings, baby parades, corner stone ceremonies and all news events which sma<-k of the trite from future editions of that newspicture. The ruling, interesting to all showmen whether or not they publish Selznick filmnews, follows: Ship launchings may be used if they break a bottle of real champagne over the bow of the ship, the label on the bottle and the tears of the populace to be featured in the story. Baby parades if they include five sets of quadruplets of white parents or one set of colored ; if they include twelve babies or over belonging to the same parents. Feature the father, if he is conscious. Laying of cornerstones if the mayor smashes his thumb in the operation. Closeups of thumb and faces of his political opponents. Even since the Selznick organization took over the production of the news reel they have been extending every effort to introduce new ideas in this type of production, and after a year of this policy claim to have succeeded in originating more ideas than all the other news reels combined.