Exhibitors Herald (Apr-Jun 1922)

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April 15, 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 43 Exhibitor Is Jailed at Reformer's Instigation For Opening on Sunday (Special to Exhibitors Herald) WABASH, IND., April 4.— William Dickson, manager of a motion picture house here, was found guilty in police court of operating his place of business on Sunday. He was fined * 1 0 and costs. His arrest was made at the request of a ;)aw and order league. It is expected that all business will be suspended hereafter o:i Sunday. Fcr years opposition to Sunday shows has prevented their opening. Dickson announced some time ago that he proposed to open his theatre on Sunday and the Minouncement came as a surprise ?.r.d as an indication that a fight would be but a matter of only a short time. The Rev. Ira Dawes, president of the Ministerial Association, stated then that the announcement of Sunday shows would not go unchallenged by the minioters. Mayor James Wilson at the same time said he would not interfere with the Sunday opening. He expressed himself as unopposed to Sunday movies if the public indicated it favored them. Appeals to Grand Jury Against Participation Of Juveniles in Show (Special to Exhibitors Herald) ST. LOUIS, MO., April 4.— Mrs. Alice Curtice Moyer-Wing, industrial commissioner for Missouri, who failed to con • vince Prosecuting Attorney Oakley that he should issue warrants charging viola ; tion of the child labor laws against theatre managers who hold amateur competitions for children is now seeking grand jury action. Several days ago Mrs. Moyer-Wing conferred with Oakley and Judge Vital ( Garesche of the Court of Domestic Relations. It was finally agreed to request Circuit Judge Franklin Miller to include the question in his charge to the new grand jury. Mrs. Moyer-Wing insists that the amateur acts violate the child labor laws. Her views have not proven very popular. Mining Town Closed Tight by W.C.T.U. (Special to Exhibitors Herald) , BRAZIL, IND., April 4.— Sunday blue , laws are being rigidly enforced at the , mining town of Staunton, west of this city. A newly organized unit of the W. C. T. U. recently started a campaign which resulted in the stopping of public card games. The town board also has posted notices l that all persons following their usual avocations on Sunday will be arrested. The confectioneries, drug stores and soda fountains have been ordered closed on Sundav. Made Hodkinson Chief At Washington Office {Washington Bureau, Exhibitors Herald) , WASHINGTON, D. C, April 4.— Harold A. Gillespie, formerly manager for A. H. Fisher Features, Inc., has been engaged as office manager of the W. W. Hodkinson exchange in Washington. As office manager he will work in association with Branch Sales Manager Sam Galanty. Virginia Names Censor Body; Curbs Power of Ohio Board Buckeye State 's Chief Censor Bars Picture of Herself From Pathe News — Advisory Board Is Appointed By Governor The motion picture industry of Virginia is now under the control of censorship. On the other hand, the power of the censor board in Ohio has been curbed through the appointment by Governor Davis of an advisory board which will act as a court of review in all disputes. Although the installation of a censorship board in Virginia somewhat offsets the victory in Ohio, exhibitors and distributors in the Buckeye state feel that the appointment of an advisory committee will relieve much of the dissension which has been so prevalent during the past few weeks. Reorganization Law Provides for Board On the Ohio advisory board are: Mrs. W. H. Sharp, president of the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs; Joseph Schonthal, philanthropist, and Robert H. Schryver, president of the Citizens' Trust and Savings bank. All are from Columbus. Appointment of the board was in accordance with provisions of the reorganization bill enacted last year. Those chosen as members of the Vir the power to bar from the screens any criticism of legal regulation. It was this angle of censorship which started the squabble in Ohio. gir.ia board arc: Evan R. Chesterman, former dramatic critic; Mrs. Emma Speed Sampson and Mr. Moncure. Eliminates Own Picture A phase of the Ohio tangle which would have been humorous were it not for the seriousness of the censorship situation in this country, was the elimination by Mrs. Evalyn Snow, chief censor, of a picture of herself from an issue of Pathe News. Mrs. Snow's recent declaration that the public is not fit to judge for itself prompted the Pathe cameraman to get the picture that was eliminated. Following is what the chief censor objected to: CAN AMERICANS THINK? Mrs. Evalyn Snow, chief of Ohio Censorship Board, who is quoted as saying, **75 per cent of the people never think at all. The people are not fit to judge for themselves." WHAT DO YOU THINK? Immediately following publication of the reel, S. C. Jacques of the Pathe office in Cincinnati, received this order from Mrs. Snow: "Eliminate from every Pathe News, No. 25, the falsehood regarding my alleged statements. Also take out my photograph being used without authorization." Serves Its Purpose Regardless of the fact this scene was cut from the Ohio prints of Pathe News, they have been exhibited in other theatres throughout the country and undoubtedly will serve their purpose in arousing the public to denounce legal regulation. Throughout the fight in Ohio the industry has had a strong ally in the press. Undoubtedly the influence brought to bear by the daily papers will give to Ohio more sane censorship, if such is possible, than it has had in the past. May Take Legal Action It is expected that legal action will have to be taken to settle the question of whether or not the censor in Ohio has Coast Theatregoers Hiss Censors Barring Hart's"Travelin'On" (Special to Exhibitors Herald) LOS ANGELES, April 4.— Cinema patrons hissed the local censorship board when announcement was made on the screen of the Pasadena theatre that Bill Hart's picture, "Travelin' On," had been prohibited and withdrawn by the local censors. C. L. Langley of Turner, Dahken & Langley, lessees of the theatre, stated his belief that the public is opposed to censorship in Pasadena, and intimated that a campaign to repeal the act would be instituted shortly. Mrs. Beatrice George, chairman of the local board, denounced the Hart film as a "travesty on the Christian religion," and charged that it held up to ridicule a protestant clergyman, and was overfull of profanity and drinking. Cases are pending against two of Turner, Dahken & Langley's theatre managers for violations of the local censorship orders. Jack Johnson Film Is Barred in Ohio (Special to Exhibitors Herald) COLUMBUS, O., April 4.— The film entitled "For His Mother's Sake," which features Jack Johnson, former world's champion boxer, has been barred from exhibition in Ohio, by officials of the state motion picture censorship bureau. The censorship body declares "it exploits Jack Johnson, who has been prosecuted by the federal authorities for white slavery." Neilan To Go Abroad (Special to Exhibitors Herald) LOS ANGELES, April 4.— Marshall Neilan has applied for passports to travel abroad. As yet he has made no definite announcements of his plans.