Exhibitors Herald (Apr-Jun 1922)

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72 E Announce Two Sales on Weiss' Film Expose of "Sawing Lady in Half" (Juick response has followed announcement of Weiss Brothers' Clarion Photoplays, Inc., that the film expose of "Sawing a Lady in Half" is ready for the state right buyer. Two sales have been made, Ben Amsterdam of Masterpiece Film Attractions. Philadelphia, Pa., acquiring the rights for eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey. In addition to this territory, the film has also been disposed of for the state.-, of California, Arizona and Nevada to Jake Cone of Los Angeles, California. Weiss Brothers announced they are fully prepared to meet the demands of buyers for exploitation supplies and have ready to ship one, three and six-sheet posters, two styles of slides, lobby display, novelty heralds, four-page broadsidt printed in two colors, teaser cards for lobby and window use. cuts and mats and other material. "Lady Godiva" Lauded by Women's Clubs Chairman At a special showing of "Lady Godiva," the picturization of Tennyson's famous poem that Associated Exhibitors is publishing, to Mrs. Clinton B. Smith, chairman of the Motion Picture Committee of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, and others of the committee as guests of honor, the production was highly praised both as a dramatic entertainment and as an accurate portrayal of life during the early feudal period in England. The showing was arranged by Thomas DeVassey, secretary of Wistaria Productions, Inc., following correspondence which grew out of the fact that Mrs. Smith has maintained in many of her published utterances that the "real censors should be the women and mothers, who are the guardians of the morals of the country." Goldwyn to Issue Third Basil King Story Soon One of the interesting pictures in Goldwyn's fourth group, announced for spring publication, is Basil King's "The Dust Flower." produced at the Goldwyn Studios in Culver City, Calif., under the direction of Rowland V, Lee, with a cast of all-star players. This is the third contribution of Basil King to the Goldwyn program since he became one of the Eminent Authors group organized by that company. His first was "The Street Called Straight," followed by "Earthbound." "The Dust Flower," says Goldwyn, promises to be a worthy successor of the earlier productions. Experience Difficulty in Picking "Christian" Cast The casting of Goldwyn's forthcoming production of Sir Hall Caine's widely read novel. "The Christian," is now under way at Goldwyn's Culver City studios and some difficulty is being experienced in obtaining just the right players for every part. Casting Director, Robert B. Mclntyre, and Abraham I.chr. vice-president in charge of production, have been in almost daily conferences with Maurice Tourncur, director, to decide upon the right actor to play the part of John Storm and the ri>,'ht actress for the role of Glorv Quaile. X H I B ] T ORS IT E R A I AGNES AYRES and Jack Holt in a scene from "Bought and Paid For," a new Paramount production. Joseph de Grasse Will Direct Charles Ray in United Artists Pictures Announcement is made by Arthur S. Kane that Joseph de Grasse has been engaged to direct Charles Ray in his first production for United Artists Corporation. Mr. de Grasse directed the star in "The Old Swimmin' Hole," "Forty-Five Minutes from Broadwav," and "Nineteen and Phyllis." The engagement by Mr. Ray of Mr. de Grasse as a director is in line with the star's plans for his forthcoming productions for United Artists. "Fewer, bigger and finer" pictures is the promise of Mr. Ray. Brunet Gets Testimonial Signed by 1,800 Employes Paul Brunet's fourth anniversary as head of Pathe Exchange finds him the proud possessor of a volume de luxe testimonial of loyalty and confidence, signed by eighteen hundred executives and employes. The autographed vellum pages of the book amount to a practically complete roll of the Pathe forces, stationed at the home office, factories and laboratories and at the thirty-live branch exchanges. On behalf of the donors of the testimonial, General Manager Elmer Pearson presented the volume to President Brunet on March 25, the date of the closing of the "Brunet Anniversary Sales Contest." Niblo to Make Valentino Series for Paramount Fred Niblo has been signed by Famous PlayersLasky Corporation for a series of special productions for Paramount Pictures starring Rodolnh Valentino and written by June Mathis. "Blood and Sand" is the first production, and "Amos Judd," to be titled "The Rajah." is the second. Select Permanent Title Star Productions, Inc., announces that the permanent title of the picture which Dolores Cassinelli is making under the direction of Tom Tcrriss will be "The Challenge," a name heretofore used for a working title. D April 15, 1922 Emory Johnson in New Production Under Way On West Coast by R-C A new Emory Johnson production is announced by R-C Pictures. It is to be a special. The picture, which has been given the title of "The Midnight Call," is now in production on the West Coast. "An all-star cast and a human interest story will be two of the foremost features of 'The Midnight Call,' " states R-C Pictures. "It is a story of the drama that enters the lives of simple folks — the typical American middle class family. Around their lives there develops a stirring drama of sudden misfortunes and trials. The story interest rises consistently and develops into a powerful climax which unfolds the big surprise in a forceful and convincing manner." The leading male roles in "The Midnight Call" are played by Emory Johnson himself and Johnny Walker. Others in the cast are Ralph Lewis, Claire McDowell. Ella Hall and Dick Morris. Legionaries Guests at Christie Comedy Showing Members of the American Legion and disabled veterans were guests of the California theatre, Los Angeles, during the showing of the Christie comedy, "Oh Promise Me," which legionaries of the Hollywood Post of the American Legion cooperated in making. Disabled soldiers from the U. S. Hospital at Sawtelle were taken to the show in automobiles provided by the Post War Service League. General invitations to all disabled veterans in and around Los Angeles were issued to matinee showings of the film. Legion members aided Fred Miller, manager of the California, in exploiting the picture. Halsey Is Engaged by Worth While Pictures Edgar Selden, president of Worth While Pictures Corporation, who is planning a series of photoplays with little Madge Evans as the star, has engaged Forrest Halsey, author, playwright and scenarist, to prepare the script of the initial production. The story will be based on the famous song, "On the Banks of the Wabash," the screen rights of which were purchased some time ago by Mr. Selden. It will be the first of a series of productions based on noted songs or stories in ( which Miss Evans will be starred. Ince Film Given Long Run on Loew Circuit "Hail the Woman," the latest publication of Thomas H. Ince, distributed by ■ Associated First National Pictures, Inc.. ■ began a run on the Loew metropolitan I circuit, New York, with simultaneou il t play dates at the State theatre on Broad m way and the Metropolitan in Brooklyn m This booking is one of the longest run.1 M in number of days that the circuit hail accorded a picture, it is said. Buy Rights to Stage Play Goldwyn has acquired the screei rights to an old-fashioned stage inelo drama, "The Great Metropolis," tlia flourished in New York and other citie about a quarter of a century ago.