Exhibitors Herald (Apr-Jun 1922)

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64 KXHIBITORS HERALD June 24, 1922 A fellow came in the other day and said: "With a magnificent plant like this you should do some foxy advertising — something Mebbe so, I agreed, and started paging John M. Nickolaus around the plant. "He's in the darkroom with that last batch of Lasky negative," reported the girl. The man who wanted us to do something hilariously poetic in advertising had me groggy. I was sold on the idea. Try and find Mr. Nickolaus, I again asked. "He's in the drying room with a lot of new release prints," said the girl. I don't know why John M. Nickolaus has a nice little office with a desk as clean as an operating table and easy chairs for visitors. He's never in it. He came into my office looking less like the vice president and more like a practical laboratory expert than I had ever seen him. He had been messing around with the developer and toning baths and he was a sight. "Advertising!," he snorted "certainly but let's tell producers what we're here for. If they want to look at pretty pictures in print let them read the Pictorial Review. Let me write an ad." Personally I wouldn't call it an artistic success but here is what John M. Nickolaus artistic. wrote STANDARD FILM LABORATORIES Seward and Romaine Sts. Hollywood — Calif ilmland P. s. I slipped over this picture of the plant because I'm proud of it; although John Nickolaus will probably argue that producers aren't buying architecture. S. M. TOMPKINS