Exhibitors Herald (Apr-Jun 1922)

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78 EXHIBITORS HERALD June 24, 1922 A PERSONAL MESSAGE TO THE EXHIBITORS OF AMERICA 1WAXT you one and all to consider this a personal introduction. We are going to have a lot of dealings with each other in the years to come and there is no time like the present to get acquainted. Although I have been identified with the industry for ten years, my name is probably new to you, for I have not had a battalion of press agents megaphoning my activities and telling you whether I like two or three lumps of sugar in my coffee or prefer to drive a Flivver or a Fiat. Following several years with Robert Brunton and other big coast producers, I have been busily engaged in building my own organization in California. I recently completed the Cosmosart Studios, which I believe to be the finest equipped production plant on the West Coast. It is to be the home of Federal Photoplays, Inc.. of which I bave been elected President and General Manager, and in the near future you are to hear of the big things that Federal Photoplays, Inc., plans to accomplish. These announcements will be of vital interest to you. 'Watch for them in the trade papers, in the daily press, in your daily mail and by word of mouth from the exchange men in your territory. Until I meet vou personallv, JAMES E. BOWEN, President, Cosmosart Studios, President, Federal Photoplays, Inc. PA Directing UL POWELL Features for Famous Players-Lasky NEXT RELEASE "BORDERLAND" Starring AGNES AYRES