Exhibitors Herald (Apr-Jun 1922)

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Tune 24. 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 79 Hollywood News I PUBLISHED IN THE HEART OF FILMLAND HOLLYWOOD, CAUFORNIA TWO FACTS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW "A" "B" Motion Picture Section Studio Activities Page Interesting, live, informative and breathing the atmosphere of the studios, the daily motion picture section, under the direction of James M. Fidler, dramatic editor, carries home every happening of the industry ON THE DAY IT TAKES PLACE. More people, engaged in the motion picture industry for their livelihood, read HOLLYWOOD NEWS than any other daily newspaper published in Hollywood. Photographs, editorials, interviews and a concise review of the incidents and accidents of every film day are recorded in the daily motion picture section. SUBSCRIBE NOW. The Studio Activities Page is the widest read Industrial Chart in the Motion Picture business. Published every Wednesday as a vital part of HOLLYWOOD NEWS, it details minutely the exact progress of every motion picture under production in Hollywood. In addition, it specifies the name of the star, the director and the assistant director, as well as the title, of every photoplay. Advertisements placed on this page are read by everyone in the motion picture industry. It is the safest, surest, cheapest and most logical way to reach the scenario editor, the producer, the actor or the technical department. ADVERTISE NOW. AND WHAT YOU OUGHT TO DO YOU CAN'T KNOW the actual, everyday facts of the motion picture industry unless you are a subscriber to HOLLYWOOD NEWS, the only daily newspaper published in Hollywood which gives 3ROPER AND UNBIASED ATTENTION to the film people and their movements. THEATRE OWNERS find it a necessity — it advises them as to future bookings. THEATRE 3UBLICITY DIRECTORS find it a boon — it gives them advance tips which newspapers like and want. It costs only 65 cents a month, mailed daily. It's worth that many DOLLARS to the man in the heatre exhibiting business. SUBSCRIBE NOW TO: HOLLYWOOD NEWS 5379 HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA