Exhibitors Herald (Apr-Jun 1922)

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June 24, 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 115 EXHIBITOR BUILDS OWN PLAYHOUSES C. H. Simpson, Millen, Ga., Has Erected and Equipped Six Theatres There is an old proverb which points out that if you would have a thing well done the proper procedure is to do it yourself. When it comes to the construction of a motion picture theatre, however, the general tendency has been to turn the job over to the other fellow and let him assume the worries and responsibility. Simpson an Exception But such is not the case with C. H. Simpson of the Princess and other theatres, Millen. Ga. Mr. Simpson does the work himself. "First I get the idea of how I want the theatre to look when it is completed," says Mr. Simpson in a letter to the Equipment Department. "Then I hire the men to do the job and stay right on the spot and work with them. The Princess theatre in Millen will pass inspection in any state in the union as far as safety and fire risk goes. Supervises Whole Job "I was the boss on the entire job — carpenter work, wiring, installing fans and machines, painting, and in fact everything. In buying the material, measurements is all you need. The man you buy the different things from will figure just how much you need. "Any exhibitor can do it if he wijl stay on the job and see that the work is done the way he wants it. (Note.) Mr. Simpson promises to forward photographs of his theatre in the near future. FOX COMPANY TO BUILD BIG CINCINNATI HOUSE Fox Film Corporation has purchased the Lyric theatre. Cincinnati, Ohio, and will tear out the theatre proper and construct in its place a new and modern playhouse. The transaction involves an investment of $1,100,000. A consideration of $850,000 is said to have been paid for the Lyric and to this the Fox Company will spend $350,000 in the erection of the new auditorium. Print Delivered in 130-Mile Sprint Here's service — and good exploitation material. Booker Drum of the Atlanta First National exchange was informed that a Columbus, Ga., train had been discontinued. Manager I. C. Holloway of the Rialto had booked "Dinty." No train — no print — no show. That was the logic of the situation, but Drum didn't reason that way. He pressed W. A. Sanges, Associated Producers representative, and his automobile into service. In three hours and a half he delivered the print to Holloway. Drum had wired ahead that the print was being shipped by motor route. Holloway immediately stretched this banner across the front of his house: "'Dinty' failed to arrive by express. But it's coming from Atlanta as fast as gas can bring it. Watch for it." And a cheering throng did watch for it and crowded into the Rialto for the matinee performance. YOU GET THE BEST ■■■^■■■■1 ■■HBi^HHM MHHMHK HMIHMMHI^B American Film Company Laboratories get the most out of your negatives. Years of experience have made our organization expert in its work. Quantity production (1,000,000 feet weekly) enables us to give the best at no greater cost. Let us make you a special price estimate on your work. Write today. WE WILL STORE YOUR FILMS FREE WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS Developing Printing Tinting Toning Editing Titling Ordinary film reduced to American Standard Safety Size. (Absolutely fire-proof film passed by all fire underwriters.) AMERICAN FILM CO., Inc. Laboratories 6227 Broadway, Chicago, 111. and London, England SAMUEL S. HUTCHINSON, Pres. American 10 Points QUALITY. Prints known for brilliancy and clearness. Expert staff trained by years of experience, assures highest quality prints obtainable. REPUTATION. Gained in 10 years of experience. RESPONSIBILITY. A concern of strong financial standing. LOCATION. In the proper geographical location, assuring quick delivery anywhere. EQUIPMENT. All of tie most modern obtainable. CLEANLINESS. Within two blocks of Lake Michigan. Away from dirt and dust. SAFETY. Plant approved by both city of Chicago and Board of Fire Underwriters. PROMPTNESS. Accustomed to serve exacting requirements. PRICES. Reasonable and competitive. GUARANTEES. Write for our unique guarantee of quality work. When Music Pays Dividends (^\NLY when a large percentage of your patronage can be attributed to the superior music you offer, does music return satisfactory dividends. The Cremona Theatre-Organ, developed to meet the peculiar needs of motion picture houses is paying dividends to exhibitors the country over. It increases neighborhood trade; it makes regulars of the infrequent patron; it widens the zone from which your house draws; it increases your percentage of competitive business and stabilizes your less attractive film offering. The Cremona may be played by hand, by player roll, or by solo roll. Hence it does not increase your musical cost. Frequently it lowers it. Pipe organ or orchestra, music is instantly available, appropriate, exquisitely rendered for any film. Ask for details of how the Cremona can be made to pay as it plays. The Marquette Piano Co. {/The, Chicago. U. S. A. Cxtmotia l^eatre ©rgan