Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1921 - Mar 1922)

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March 18, 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 19 The monarch of them all — EDDIE POLO — in unquestionably the greatest serial subject yet conceived for a chapter play. Imagine what Polo can do with the story of Cap't Kidd. Imagine the tremendous punches, the thrilling adventure, the sensational romance and simply electrifying smashes such a story, with Polo, means to Exhibitors. Polo"s name alone on any theatre front now means top money to Exhibitors on serials, and with this wonderful story of Polo's own choosing, with his own cast and his own director,— Exhibitors can expect something huge, extraordinary, amazing and a whale for the box office. Watch and wait. Keep your eye on Polo ads. Something bigger, newer, better, different is coming. State right buyers and exhibitors, communicate immediately with the EDDIE POLO SERIAL CORPORATION, 121 WEST 39TH STREET, NEW YORK