Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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66 EXHIBITORS HERALD July 1, 1922 USE THIS BLANK Box Office Reports Tell the Whole Story. Join in This Co-operative Service Report Regularly on Pictures You Exhibit And Read in The Herald Every Week What Pictures Are Doing for Other Exhibitors Fill in this blank now and send to Exhibitors Herald, 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Title Star Producer Remarks Title Star Producer Remarks Exhibitor Name of Theatre Transient or Neighborhood Patronage City State ...... Al St. John. — Not yet have we had a better two reel comedy. Chuck full of good laughs and pleased all. — W. E. Elkin, Temple theatre, Aberdeen, Miss. — Neighborhood patronage. The Grocery Clerk (Vitagraph), with Larry Semon. — This one is a little old, but will send them away with a smile. Semon comedies all have been very good, but this one pleased best of all. — C. W. Glass, Star theatre, Trenton, Tenn. — ■ Neighborhood patronage. The Bashful Lover (Pathe), with Ernest Truex. — Even though Ernest is little his ability to produce laughs is big. This offering is a riotous mix-up from start to finish and Ernest, as "The Bashful Lover," is a scream. A very pleasing program offering. — Fred S. Meyer, Palace theatre, Hamilton, O. — High class family patronage. Kiss Me Caroline (Educational), a Christie comedy. — This is different, but it's a real comedy. You can tell them you've got a laugh producer when you give them this one. — W. P. Perry, Rialto theatre, Cheyenne Wells, Colo. — Small town patronage. The Saw Mill (Vitagraph), with Larry Semon. — Good. Very funny and all enjoyed it. Semon draws well and always pleases. — W. E. Elkin, Temple theatre, Aberdeen, Miss. — Neighborhood patronage. A Sailor-Made Man (Asso. Ex.), with Harold Lloyd. — Packed them in the first night and biggest second night business in the history of the house. Made opposition with Fairbanks in The Three Musketeers look sick. Get this one and don't keep it a secret that you have a wonderful picture. — Mrs. G. A. Mitchell, Orpheum theatre, Darlington, Wis.. — Small town patronage. Professional Ethics (Goldwyn), with George Bunny. — George and John Bunny are two entirely different things. Such forced comedy is unworthy of any house. — Harold F. Wendt, Rivoli theatre, Defiance, O. Pay Day (F. N.), with Charlie Chaplin. — Charlie will have to do better than this if he intends to keep his reputation. The trick photography in this one is all that saves it. — Harold M. Schoonover, Mazda theatre, Aurora, Neb. — Small town patronage. Designing Husbands (Universal), with Neely Edwards. — A very appropriately titled comedy to be offered in conjunction with Her Husband's Trademark. It is filled with laughs and has just the right touch of suspense to make it a very pleasing comedy offering. Our patrons liked it and so will others. — Fred S. Meyer, Palace theatre, Hamilton, O. — High class family patronage. The Show (Vitagraph), with Larry Semon. — The best comedy this star has made. — Very elaborate and extremely funny. Advertise it big. You can't go wrong. — W. E. Elkin, Temple theatre, Aberdeen, Miss. — Neighborhood patronage. The Idle Class (F. N.), with Charles Chaplin. — Not what it is cracked up to be. Played two nights with Lessons in Love and no comments on Chaplin. All were well pleased with feature. Better comedy than The Idle Class. Lost money account paying too much for the latter. — A. F. Kehr, Princess theatre, Ogallala, Neb. Pay Day (F. N.), with Charles Chaplin.— They have to laugh at this one. Certainly good. — Verner Hicks, Family theatre, Marion, 111. — General patronage. A Charmed Life (Vitagraph), with Jimmy Aubrey. — All of these Aubrey comedies are good. There are several good laughs in this one and no doubt but what it will please. — W. E. Elkin, Temple theatre, Aberdeen, M i s s. — Neighborhood patronage. High and Dizzy (Pathe), with Harold Lloyd. — -This one made them hold their seats, and other people's husbands and wives. Was a knockout. Get Out and Get Under was also a good comedy. — W. P. Perry, Rialto theatre, Cheyenne Wells, Colo. — Small town patronage. Edgar Camps Out (Goldwyn, with Johnny Jones. — Another good kid comedy. Both the grown-ups and the children seem to enjoy all of this series. — Harold F. Wendt, Rivoli theatre, Defiance, O. — General patronage. Every Man for Himself in the Future It will mean the survival of the fittest. Safeguard yourself and your business. Now is the time to read Costs 3 cents Per Review. CHICAGO, ILL. CAMERA BARGAINS Motion Picture Cameras at cash saving prices. Special professional discounts on UNIVERSALIS. Immediate delivery on all models DeBrie, DeFranne, Pathe and many others demonstrated in our showroom. Send for our complete catalog at once, free on request. BASS CAMERA COMPANY DepL H, 109 N. Dearborn St. Chicago. ID. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TRAILERS ON ALL FEATURES DEVEL0PING-PRINT1NG SPECIAL TITLE WORK Standard Motion Picture Company 1005-1006 Mailers Bldg. Telephone Central 2347 Chicago. ILL Cameraman furnished on short notice. Immediate Service No job too small GUARANTEED Write Today lor Special Prices SATISFACTION The Greatest Achievement in Theatre Organ Building SMITH UNIT ORGAN CO. Manufacturers of High-Grade ELECTROPNEUMATIC PIPE ORGANS for Theatre and Home. 413-419 W. ERIE ST. CHICAGO, ILL. CLASSIFIED Five Cents per Word Payable in Advance. Minimum Charge, $1.00 HOUSE MANAGER AVAILABLE AT LIBERTY— September 1. Fifteen years as an advance agent. Know the business from every angle. Address Box 489, South Norwalk, Conn. PHOTOPLAYERS FOR SALE FOR SALE— American Photoplayer No. 20 and No. 40. In first-class condition. For particulars inquire W. A. and M. Gill, 8 Cherry Street, MUford. Conn. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE — Two Motiographs, motor drive, and a Seeburg Photoplayer with motor complete. Also 278 opera chairs and a complete adjustable ventilating system, fan type. Address Commodore Theatre, 3105 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago, 111. FOR SALE — Two Powers 6B Lamp Houses complete with Lamps, condensers, and everything necessary to go ahead with; they have all the latest adjustments; used only two weeks. Cheap. Richelieu Theatre, Bedford. Pa.