Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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68 EXHIBITORS HERALD July 1, 1922 Design New Plant For Theatre Use Unit of 2 K. W. Capacity Perfected by Universal Motor Company Universal Motor Company, Oshkosh, Wis., manufacturers of the Universal 4 K. W. electric plant for operating motion picture theatres where the carbon arc is used for projection purposes, have THE NEW 2 K. W. plant made by Universal Motor Company. placed on the market a unit of 2 K. W. capacity. The 2 K. W. plant is known as the "Unimote 2 K. W." and is especially designed to meet the requirements of exhibitors using the Mazda lamp for projection purposes. Outfit Is Self-Contained It consists of a four-cylinder four-cycle automobile type engine directly connected to a six-pole generator. The igni tion is the high tension magneto type. The gasoline tank is in the base, the radiator is mounted between the engine and the generator, and the switchboard is mounted on the radiator, making the outfit completely self-contained. The Unimote can be furnished in either 32 volts or 110 volts. The 32-volt machine is used where the 30-volt Mazda lamp is used for projection purposes, and the 110-volt plant is used wherever the 110-volt projection equipment is desirable. Maintains Constant Voltage The Unimote generator is a special compound wound machine, and the engine is equipped with a sensitive mechanical governor. These features, together with the smooth running four-cylinder motor, maintain a constant voltage, essential for projection purposes. SEEK TO ELIMINATE LAW NECESSITATING . LICENSED OPERATOR Theatre owners of Davenport, Iowa, have presented a petition to the city council asking repeal of the present ordinance that requires all motion picture operators be licensed and pass a specified examination, claiming that it is unconstitutional and constitutes an unfair discrimination upon smaller theatres. "The ordinance does not protect the community," the petition states, "since whatever danger arises from operation of machines cannot be obviated by any technical skill which the operator may possess, but it is a matter of care and precaution on the part of the operator." A number of smaller theatres object to the ordinance on the ground that it prevents the owners themselves from operating their own machines when they are capable and there is no danger to the public. Columbus, O. — Ben L. Hidingsfelt and Ike Libson of Cincinnati, and John T. Harris, Pittsburgh, have acquired control of the Southern theatre here. EQUIPMENT INQUIRIES EQUIPMENT EDITOR, Exhibitors Herald, Dear Sir: I have read with great interest the various letters from exhibitors you have printed and your answers thereto. I have a proposition that is a very difficult one and would be glad to have you tell me what you would do under similar circumstances. I am open two shows per week. We have good projection, are able to buy good pictures at a fair price and in various ways our show suits us well but we have rotten music. There are no good piano players in town and we have to put up with the hammering of some girls who would rather watch the picture than play. Is there any kind of any automatic instrument that would take care of us and not be worse than the poor players we now have ? Yours very truly, CLARKE A. SANFORD, Margaretville Opera House, Margaretville, New York. Reply: Poor music is a severe handicap. But it can be remedied. Upon receipt of your letter we forwarded to the leading manufacturers of theatre instruments your problem in detail, asking them to get in touch with you bearing your particular situation in mind. — H. E. H. EQUIPMENT EDITOR, Exhibitors Herald, Dear Sir : We are planning on remodeling our theatre this summer and would like to get some information on decorative work. Will you kindly give us the names of some companies that make decorations for the fronts of theatres. ANDERSON & WEATHERSBY, Gem Theatre, Omaha, Neb. Reply: Remodeling of theatres is a thing that is being indulged in by a gieat many exhibitors at the present time. The summer is a good time to do it and a thorough remodeling job, expertly handled, can accomplish wonders. We are sending you the names of companies who will be able to supply your needs along exterior decorative lines. — H. E. H. EXPECT SHIPMENT OF TAYLOR-HOBSON LENS While only a limited number of the newly designed Taylor-Hobson lens have been forthcoming to date Burke & James, 240 E. Ontario St., Chicago, wholesale distributors, announce that an ample quantity of the lens are expected in the near future. It is claimed for the new lens that it has a 50 per cent greater light efficiency. ISSUES NEW CATALOG A new catalog, containing complete information on a wide variety of motion picture apparatus, has been issued by Bass Camera Company, 109 N. Dearborn street. The booklet is 31 pages, containing numerous illustrations with names and cost of parts.'