Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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THEY ALL AWAIT R-C's GREATEST SUPER-SPECIAL FOR THE 1922 SEASON BO AN EMORY JOHNSON PRODUCTION Marcus Loew, Harry Crandall, Samuel Rothapel, Joe Plunkett.Moe Mark, Sidney Lust, Tom Moore, John Kunsky.Phil Gleichman, Louis Blumenthal, C.E.Whitehurst.Mike Shea, Nate Robbins, Louis Sehine.Hugo Reisenfeld, prank Hall, Turner and DahKen.Jake wells, Balaban andKatz.Jos Steam, S.A. Lynch, Asoher Bros,Lubliner and Trintz,S.Z.Poli, United Booking Offices.Max Spiegel, P.P. proctor, B.S. Moss, S. Barret Mccormick, j.Metz, Peiber and Shea, Jules Mastbaum, Rowland and Clark, J.P.HarrisKM.Gold, Col.pred Levy.Eddie Zorn, S.Fabian, John Richley, jr.Skouras Bros, B.Harris SolLesser, Sid Grauman, Jensen von Herberg.Sig Samuels, Ben Apple fi.n. Stacy Tony Sudekuo, Marvin Wise, Rosenberg Bros,Clemmer and James, L.Drinkwine, Swanson and MoKee, P. B. Walton, K.LBurke, A.H.Blank.F.H.MetzgermG. W.Cuff , L.Rosenthal, Coleman, Harry, Haring,Haring and Blumenthal.Husbaum Bros, Phillips and Pisher, J.T.Collins, j. Weiss, H. Burns, I. B.Anderson, A. J. Corn, J.M.Allerton, J. V. Chest, J. Barret, Gardner Bros, H.Lazar us, S.Suo know, Jellenk and Alberts, John Walker, Chas. Marshall, j.L.Romaine.L.B.Tefft, R.Pitzgibbons,W.P.Zennedy,p.Lever Winniw, Wm.Smalley, Borthup and Gordon, J.J.jerris and Co, Sam Gordon, Geo. Lappo.S. Sheer, Telford and Maynard, D2M.Reotor ,H.Gainsboro,w.Van Alstyne, j.M.Moran, j.zaplan, M.E.Silberstein.G.C. Lansing, L.Buettner, p. R.Miller, A.H.Griffithm J.Willard,H.Gainsboro,Saxton and Richard, R.H.Grant, Chas A. McCarthy, C.H.Dope.C.C.GildereleeTe, J.M. Beck, D.R.Letson, Ben Young, R.H.Grant, Letson and Linton, Seamon, J. H.Bikora, Clark and Sanford,0.U.0dell, J, Banker, a. Grant palmer, Geo. Cohen, J. Ungerf eldt, o. S. Hathaway, H.Richter, J.A.Maelane,G.P.Zenyon, wa. Shirley, S.Silverman, H.Wirtenberg, Ray Shaul, Arthur Riohard6on, Elliot and Flewellin,W.D.Eccleston,Wm.Smalley,s. Wilson W.P.Christy, Armstrong Brooks, N. Powers, P. Elliott, G.C.Lansing, W. P. Kennedy, C. W. Phelps, P. B. Killer George Lappo, Wm. Brandt, W. A. Knowlton, B.E.Walker, J. Kaplan, W. D.Booleston, B. P. Keith, C.E. Hoyer, E. H. Grant, Chas .A. McCarthy, A. A. Elliott, J. Thomson, Ben Young, J. J. Alter nan , Wm. Pox, C.E. Cope, J.A.Colin, J.C.Jager, C.C.Glldersleeve, A.J.Holean, J.M.Bock, D.R.Letson, O.N.Q'Dell, A.Kohn, Cornwell & McAllister, Geo. Roberts, ?. A. Bennett, K. T. Mitchell, L.Rosenthal, F.F.Prootor, W.C.Russell, S.Alperln, F.M.Taylor, L. P. Hanmore, Geo. Cohen, J. Banker* P. W. Little, J. Sutherland, S. Taparoo, P. P. Prootor, C. V. Dery, Allen Bros, t Peyser, Collins & Cornwall, Chas. Reilly, P. C. Lsne, J.A.HoIane, J. Goldberg, 0. P. Kenyon, Cronk 4 Topper, J. Kenny, Ray Shaul, J. J7. Davis, J. Leyland, I. Goldsmith, Wm. Benton, J. H. Gillies,, C. A. Huffman, D.E.Seymour , E. Glen, Jr., T. Jelenk, C. V. Pish, J. Walker, G. W. Camp, Janet Moon, A.Stone, B. Mathews, E. Wirtenberg, Arthur Richardson, Hrs. A. Uilligan, J. Divore, H. Biles, Elliott tc Plewellin, S. Bleyer, Wm. Smalley, A. H. Barton, P.A.Miller, J. Laird, Ben Apple, Ray Cole, Armstrong & Miller, B. P. Keith, Battaglia Bros. Barry Ball, E. E. Jordan, G. S. Engel, G. W. Dickinson, I. B. Tetrault, J.Christy, F. P. Proctor, James MoLean, S. Gould, J. Whlttman, S. Bothapfel, E. Biesenfeld, S. Cohen, L. Savlnl, Graub & Knobel, B. K. Bimberg, Zellar Bros., 7,'ard & Glynn, E. Be man, J. E. Pepper , J. Kenny, Mayer & Brock, Bosen 3ros., B. 3. Moss, S.Sonin, Rosen Bros., B. C. Barloff, Chas. Schwartz, M. Becker* H. Goldman, Ed. Spiegel, E. J. Smith. Jensen von Eerberg, Wm. Cutts, Rosenberg Bros., John Danz, D. Geddes, William Ely, Gus Metzger, John Woodhouse, E. J. Potter, J. C. Parker, L. A. Fearing, Peter David, Walter McHeigh, L. A. Drlnkwine, B. B. Pratsoh, Geogge S&uriol.S.Danx, A. E. Mo Donalds B. Turner, D. C. Scott, C. W. Bokhart, 1. E. W&tors, A. E. Hilton, 0. W. Whlttington, H, G. Trull, Clyde Seitz, Sam Mendelson. W. Bioe, W. H. Crary, D. P. Flory, S. W. Parker* B. Treitz, 0. Phelps, A. S. Kb 1st ad', Alva Smith, W. B. ' Catherman, Helson & Eelmkle, L. Barlow, Woods t Miller, Peterson Bros., 7. Cartwright, E. T. Sohuler, B. Kuhn, Wood3 & Bdwards, Leach & McDonald, Fred Park, C. Vaughn, High MoCrwdie, W. P. Smith, Miss Verne Ross, H. Hansen, 0. V.Xercpt* Lav In & ^)o-kA Solan Helton, Hrs. M. Morse, L. H. Sutton, G. C. Moore, H. R. King, P. Lushinger, P. A. -Olson, Leone Mazzant, W. p. Kienitz, D. A. Johnson, C. Maddox, E. Sohaffer, R.-S. Triller, P. Esterly G. D. Howard, S. Filbriok. F. Collins, R. P. Paterson, E. B. Blair, E. B. Sllenand, E. Derbest, R. Honey, A. G. Miller, B. W. steen, Geo. Bisk, J. J. Booth, Geo. Bake, A. E. Blank, F. B. Flint ,R.0« Ford , Eoffman Bros, E. Wurtz, A. H. Blank, Roy Codner , Joe. Eyden, J. E. Fry, B.C.Haynes» M. L. Pineman, Foret Bros. Wm. Weisbrod, Geo. Herman, Beater Bros., Chas Segal, Stanley Co. S. Eyman, Tessler A Bemez, H. Martin, S. Blum, W. Zorn, J. Bidgway, M. Levinson, s: Blatt, R. Sannarelli, C. N. Eurkhardt, H. Sriers^ A< stelfel,C.Bay. IT WILL SWEEP THE COUNTRY FROM END TO END— WATCH AND WAIT Ask About It NOW At Your Nearest R-C Exchange R-C Exchanges will hereafter be known as Film Booking Offices of America