Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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July 8, 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 43 F. B. O. to Issue Walker Production "My Dad" Completed by Star; Will Make Series of Features for R-C Johnnie Walker, one of the featured players in the big police picture, "In the Name of the Law," will be seen in a drama of the northwest, which Film Booking Offices, the newly named Robertson-Cole Distributing Corporation, has acquired for publication sometime in July. The picture has been titled "My Dad," and features Walker and Ruth Clifford. Directed by Smith "My Dad" affords the popular young player who rose to fame in "Over the Hill" a new type of role. Xo picture in which Walker has hitherto appeared, states R-C has given him a part calling for such virile action. It may be briefly described as a heart interest story, rich in action and moving against a colorful background. The picture was directed by Clifford Smith, and will be issued by the Film Booking Offices with a complete exploitation campaign. Series Is Planned In "My Dad" the new R-C star exhibits a screen personality of the strongest type and one which, it is declared, will make him as popular with the men as with the feminine element of the audience. Walker has just reached the R-C Studios in California, where he will start production in the near future on a series of pictures for publication through the Film Booking Offices. Success Marks Premiere Of "The Innocent Cheat" At B. S. Moss' Theatre The Arrow special, "The Innocent Cheat" was given its premier presentation at B. S. Moss' Broadway theatre. Broadway and 41st street, New York city, on June 19 and. according to Arrow, met with enthusiastic reception from press and public. A campaign consisting of an extensive use of a novelty mailing card supplied by Arrow formed the basis of a big exploitation campaign. One was a reproduction of a playing card imprinted with the name and date of the theatre. The other was the two-women-in-one novelty folder and both of these attracted a great deal of attention. A baby carriage was also used on the cover of which was painted a huge question mark. On both sides and the front of this carried was lettered the name of the attraction and the theatre, and a heavily-veiled, welldressed woman was engaged to wheel the baby carriage from the theatre up one side of Broadway and down the other. English Actors Featured In New Griffith Picture English actors of high standing on the stage are to have prominent parts in D. W. Griffith's next film, which is now nearly half completed. Among them are C. H. Croker-King. Henry Hull and Percy Carr. These members of the cast were selected by Mr. Griffith while he was abroad. Don't Pad Serials Laemmle Orders The elimination of padding, improved advertising material, employment of noted writers and feature stars are factors upon which future Universal serials will be based. "I firmly believe the sooner we make our chapter-plays conform strictly to the unpadded value of the story," said Mr. Laemmle before sailing for Europe, "the better it will be for the industry in general Years and years of experiment have convinced the magazines that serial stories running longer than six installments are not wanted. They lose their force. The same is true of chapter-plays." Benefits to the theatre with the unpadded serial are also pointed out by Laemmle. Cosmopolitan Ready to Start New Production Jack Boyle and John Lynch have finished work on the continuity of "The Face in the Fog," Boyle's story which Cosmopolitan Productions will make into a feature film. Working with the two authors is Alan Crosland, who will direct the picture. Alma Rubens has been engaged to play the leading feminine role. New Film by Pyramid Work will be started soon on the fourth production of Pyramid Pictures. Inc., entitled "When the Desert Calls." Ray C. Smallwood will direct it. The increased volume of production now in progress cn the West Coast is evidenced by the activity at United Studios, of which M. C. Levee is president. The Talmadge girls are hard at work with their respective units. Norma Talmadge is making "The Voice From the Minaret," from Robert Hichens' story. Frank Lloyd is directing Miss Talmadge. Constance Talmadge is doing "East Is West," with Sidney Franklin directing. New Coogan Film Soon Definite announcement of Jackie Coogan's next starring vehicle at United will be made soon. Jack Ccogan, Sr.. the star's father, has written the story. and h.e a.nd Sol Lesser are working on the continuity-. Richard Walton Tully is well under way with his production for First National of "Omar the Tentmaker," in which Guy Bates Post is starring. James Young is directing this production. Pathe Serial Under Way Ruth Roland is in the middle of a Pathe serial which is being produced by United Studios. Its title is "The Riddle of the Range." When it is completed Miss Roland will star in another serial under the same auspices. Mvron Selznick has settled down to permanent production activity at United. Elaine Hammerstein has already completed "Under Oath." under George Archainbaud's direction, and Owen Moore has finished "A Tully Production to Be Pretentious Film "Omar the Tentmaker" Cast Completed; Stars Guy Bates Post Reports from United Studios at Los Angeles state that Richard Walton Tully's production of Guy Bates Post in "Omar the Tentmaker," will be one of the most pretentious ever offered on the screen. " Omar the Tentmaker" will be Mr. Tully's second production for First National publication, the first being Guy Bates Post in "The Masquerader." Called Colorful Drama In arranging for the making of "Omar the Tentmaker" Mr. Tully has spared neither time nor expense, it is declared. Every detail has been carefully worked out for making the colorful Persian drama a masterpiece of entertainment and historic precision. Nigel de Brulier. has been chosen to portray Nizan. the friend of Omar. Rose. Dione will be the Shah's mother. Douglas Gerrard, well known director and actor, will have the role of Hassan, the villain. Evelyn Selbie plays another important character role, that of Zarah. Boris Karloff will be the Iman Mowaffak, the role of the wise and aged teacher of the hero. Patsy Ruth Miller will be Little Shireen. This role will mark her first characterization in other than American type. Will Jim Hatton plays Little Mahruss. James Young Directing As has already been announced the role of Shireen, the lead opposite Guy Bates Post, will be played by Virginia Brown Faire. James Young is directing this Tully production which is being made at the United Studios; Wilfred Buckland is art director and Georges Benoit is cinematographer. Previous Engagement." which Victor Heerman wrote and directed. New stories have been assigned Miss Hammerstein and Moore, and production plans are now being made. Myron Selznick's trip to New York was for the purpose of discussing with the sales heads the big specials which he is to make at United. Among them will be "Rupert of Hentzau," by Sir Anthony Hope: Eugene Walter's "The Easiest Way" and John Galsworthy's "Justice." J. L. Frothingham has commenced production on "The Vengeance of the Deep," adapted from a story by A. B. Barringer. Mr. Frothingham is personally directing his production. Allen Holubar recently completed a big sea story. "Hurricane's Gal." with Dorothy Phillips as the star, and will make one picture for Goldwyn before he resumes work at United on his First National contract. Comedy Units at Work The HamiltonWhite Comedy units have resumed production on « more pretentious scale. Lloyd Hamilton is making the first of six specials under his own name. Jack White has started on the first of a series of twelve Mermaid Comedies. Two new comedy units have established themselves at United. Jack Coogan and Frank Lloyd are fostering the Rodeo Comedies and Jack Coogan and Fred Hibbard the Fred Hibbard Comedies. Nazimova will resume production this Summer. Volume of Production Under Way Seen in Activity at United Studios