Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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September 2. 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 101 tre will be opened next Spring. It will have a seating capacity of 4,000. Sacramento, Cal. — A new Orpheum theatre is to be built in Sacramento, it is announced by Chas. E. Brad} in charge of the Orpheum circuit on the Pacific Coast. * E. Chicago, Ind. — Plans for a new theatre at 3610 Cedar street, to cost $80,000 have been announced by James Piwaronas. 3602 Cedar street. Chicago, 111. — It is rumored that Lubliner & Trinz may build a new theatre on Belmont avenue near Ashland and Lincoln. * Cleveland. O. — Work will be started soon on the erection of a new theatre on the site of the present Doan theatre by an investment syndicate known as Morelease Company. Financing is to be handled by Schultz Brothers Company. * Kansas City, Mo. — Plans have been completed for the new theatre of Star Amusement and Investment Company which is to cost $125,000 by Architects Sunderland & Besecke, 406 Interstate Bldg. * Milwaukee, Wis. — Jeffrie Theatre Company. 14 W. Milwaukee avenue, will erect a new theatre, plans having been completed by Martin. Tullgren & Son, 425 E. Water street. * Charleston, W. Va. — Charleston is to hav.i a new theatre costing $50,000. plans for which have been prepared by Geo. D. Brown. 322 Bovd Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa.— W. J. Peoples. Monongahela Bank Building, has prepared plans for a new motion picture theatre for. (ohn Elmore. Detroit, Mich. — Joseph Gwizdowski is preparing plans for a theatre to be erected on Mt. Elliott, near Miller street. * Independence, Mo. — A $65,000 theatre to seat 1.200 is planned by A. E. Elliott for this city. Argentine, Kas. — R. E. Peden Company. 945 X. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo., has prepared plans for a theatre to cost $65,000 for Elliott Theatre Corporation. Lockport, N. Y. — Plans have been completed by Leon Lempert. 346 Cutler Bldg., Rochester, for the $175,000 theatre for Lock City Theatre Corporation. * Lansdale, Pa. — Jerome S. Landes, 200 W. Broad street, has completed plans for a new theatre for Lansdale Theatre Company, which will cost $45,000. Ownership Changes La Salle, 111.— James J. Collins of Ottawa, has taken possession of the Marquette theatre here which he recently purchased. * Evansville, Ind. — Preparations are being made for the Victory theatre management to take over the Strand theatre; # New Orleans, La. — M. Oppenheimer has closed the Empire theatre and taken over the modern La Favette theatre. Nacogdoches, Tex. — The Queen theatre here has been purchased by Ambrose & Levy. Miami, Fla. — Leroy Morgan has purchased the interest of his partner, J. A. Turner, and now has full control of the Bi'.tmore theatre, which he is remodeling. LET US PROVE that American Film Company Laboratories can actually do better film printing. Our immense plant is kept humming doing the work for producers throughout the industry. And our prices are low. Let us prove ourselves on your very next order. NEGATIVES STORED FREE WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS Developing Printing Tinting Toning Editing Titling Ordinary film reduced to American Standard Safety Size. (Absolutely fireproof film passed by all fire underwriters.) Laboratory capacity one million feet per week. AMERICAN FILM CO., Inc. Laboratories 6227 Broadway, Chicago, 111. and London, England SAMUEL S. HUTCHINSON, Pres. American 10 Points QUALITY. Prints known for brilliancy and clearness. Expert staff trained by years of experience, assures highest quality prints obtainable. REPUTATION. Gained in 10 years of experience. RESPONSIBILITY. A concern of strong rnancial standing. LOCATION. In the proper geographical location, assuring quids delivery anywhere. EQUIPMENT. All of the most modern obtainable. CLEANLINESS. Within two blocks of Lake Michigan Away from dirt and dust. SAFETY. Plant approved by both city of Chicago and Board of Fire Underwriters. PROMPTNESS. Accustomed to serve exacting requirements. PRICES. Reasonable and competitive. GUARANTEES. Write for onr unique guarantee of quality work. Every Exhibitor Can Offer Organ and Orchestra Music CTlu DEHIND every screen offering certain factors give an appropriate satisfactory background. The producers have made the visual background, bjt you must contrib-ite the imaginative one. Only carefully chosen, pleasingly rendered music can produce this thing that every producer, exhibitor or patron recognizes as "atmosphere. " Because the Cremona Theatre-Organ has been developed to meet the highly specialized requirements of film accompaniment, it is recognized as the last word in an instrument of this character. It is unexcelled as a hanJ-played organ. In addition a double roll system permits playing with standard player roll, or by solo roll with instant changes. Our attractive selling plan is of interest to every exhibitor seeking leadership in his town regardless of its size. The Marquette Piano Co. Chicago, U. S. A Cremona Ityeatre #rgan