Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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THE HORSE AID SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, Inc., 1910 Office 131 West 36th Street.. Phone Fitzroy 59 and 5540 REST FARM AND HOSPITAL FOR HORSES AND SHELTER FOR SMALLER ANIMALS, MILLWOOD. N. Y. Briarcliff 135-F-ll PEESIDENT AND TOl'SDEK MRS. JACOB M. EHRLICH VICE-PRESIDEKT PERRY A. HUDSON TREASURER MRS. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM SECRETARY ROBERT MORGAN MCGAULEY DIRECTORS MRS. JACOB M. EHRLICH PERRY A. HUDSON MRS. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM ROBERT MORGAN MCGAULEY MRS. JAMES W. WARING HARRY W. BELL MISS BELLE BEACH COUNSEL JOHN T. BOOTH ROBERT MORGAN MCGAULEY ADVISORY BOARD MISS CLARA S. PECK MRS. WILLIAM H. REYNOLDS MRS. RUDOLPH J. SCHAEFER MRS. PAUL PRYIBIL MINNIE MADDERN FISKE MISS LOUISE CASTREE MRS. REGINALD PELHAM BOLTON MRS, MINNA SCOTT VON REHM MRS. HAYTON CORSA MRS. WARREN B. SANFORD MRS. WILLIAM K. TOWN SEND MRS. ROBERT L. MCCANN MRS. H. D. LEWIS MRS. C L. HOUSMAN MRS. FRED WILLIAMS MRS. GEORGE MILLS VETERINARIANS WILLIAM M. FLE1SCHMAN C G. ROHRER THIS AMBULANCE PATROLS THE STREETS FULLY EQUIPPED FOR ALL ANIMAL RELIEF New Ycrk, N.Y. August 17, 1522. Mr. Joseph Plunk et, Managing Director, Strand Theatre, Few 'fork City. My dear Mr. plunket: Words fail to express my appreciation of the picture entitled "Just Tony". I have taken several friends on two different occasions. This is the first time in my life that I have ever seen a picture twice, ana enjoyed it as much, if not more, the second tiiie than I did the first. I have worked with horses for the past twenty years and, of course, I know hew intelligent these faithful creatures are. I hope the public will be awakened through this picture and realise how much more can be done with animals through kindness. I am sure "Just Tony" will have a successful run. Every boy and girl, as well as the grownups, in the United States should see this picture and Williats Pox certainly deserves praise for producing such an excellent entertainment. I thank you for calling my attention to this wonderful picture, and giving me the opportunity of seeing it. You know I never go to shows of any kind but if there were more pictures like this, I would always go to see then. Very sincerely yours. TrE HORSE AID SOCIETY.. OF NEW (Mrs. J.M. SE-Mtf Pres ident A SQUARE DEAL FOR THE HORSE Your horse will give you better service and live longer if you give him Three Ample Meals Daily; Water Fre<juentl7, Proper Shoes; Weather; Two Weeks Vacation Annually or an Occasional Rest; At All Times a Comfortable Bed and a Roomy Stall. THROW AWAY THE WHIPI DISCARD THE BLINDERS! BE KIND 1 IT PAYS I A Blanket in Coid 5g£ and JUST TONY il%A//<S A WILLIAM FOX ATTRACTION