Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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September 9, 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 9 When Will You See? "Rich Men 's Wives " Rnthafp/ i\ ul i in § a kJU lmj Rnthafel 1\ UL 1 (Ul CI lil/UKCU Rn 1 n htn n Xr PC /n t T LJU.lU.ULl 1 1 Lie IVUli iJUU' LJU LUUU.ll. Lie. iYULZ' LiUUKKU ftl i r*rl f\l /Tr c /"* rl art r*Vy i Ylt/lUIUo t_/Cf fCf f CK S/Tf f #) JUU/ IllL,llUlUO JL/IC/ILK LjUU KtZU (Loew Metropolitan Circuit) i4. //. £/an& 5a w A. //. £/an* Booked Eugene Roth Saw Eugene Roth Booked Tom Moore Saw Tom Moore Booked Frank Newman Saw Frank Newman Booked Jensen & Von Herberg Saw Jensen & Von Herberg Booked Fred Miller Saw Fred Miller Booked Skouras Bros. Saw Skouras Bros. Booked Turner & Dahnken Saw Turner & Dahnken Booked Rowland & Clark Saw Rowland & Clark Booked I. Libson Saw I. Libson Booked "RICH MEN'S WIVES" BOOKED AT SIGHT By exhibitors who can afford only the best IT'S A MONEY MAKER I Martin J. Quigley, Editor and j Publisher of Exhibitors Herald, I Baw it and wrote : — I " 'Rich Men's Wives' is a valuable I addition to the list of big pictures of \the current season. . . .AlLichtman | launches his distributing organization | with a Gasnier producti Otl it' hich is j entitled to recognition as a first rate j attraction in every important aspect. j It is a lavishly and effectively proj duced Society Drama. It is enacted | by a singularly fine cast. IT IS ONE | OF THE SEASON'S OUSTAND1 ING RACTIONS." Arrange to see it at the nearest AI Lichtman Exchange DISTRIBUTED BY AL-LICHTMAN CORPO R.ATI O N 576 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY Roger Ferri, in MOTION PICTURE j WORLD, calls it a box-office "tornado" { and in addition says: "Whatever superlative claims you make for l this feature will be substantiated by the § picture itself, for it has everything — pathos, \ humor, thrills and romance. . . . This pio 1 Hire can be shown at the 'blue blood' houses \ and the so-called small town theatre, and go | over like a tornado!" \ Laurence Reid, in MOTION PICTURE NEWS, saw it as: "A woman's picture — the mother love | theme being developed to stimulate the i feminine sex. . . . A good box office title I likely to attract the eye everywhere, a couple f of good troupers in House Peters and Claire § Windsor, and a society background charged | with real smart atmosphere — these will be \ sufficient to make this picture popular]^ wherever shown."