Exhibitors Herald (Oct-Dec 1922)

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46 EXHIBITORS HERALD December 16, 1922 Theatre Letters Personal Accounts of Constructive Showmanship Contributed by Readers of "Exhibitors Herald" Think This Over "Exhibitors Herald" receives and prints more communications from exhibitors than all the other motion picture trade papers combined. Moderation in Use of Tie-ups Talbot Policy The old story about the man who attempted to eat a quail every day for thirty days has an application to theatre advertising. Ralph Talbot knows it. Everyone should. THEATRE EDITOR: Exhibitors Herald. Dear Sir: I am sending you under separate cover two-page spread we used on "Sherlock Holmes." These cooperative advertising tie-ups with local merchants are splendid business boosters. Of course judgment must be used in Double truck for Goldwyn's "Sherlock Holmes," used by Ralph Talbot, Majestic theatre, Tulsa, Okla. the frequency in which they are attempted. Ralph Talbot, Majestic theatre, Tulsa, Okla DEAR MR. TALBOT: You are unquestionably right about judgment properly governing the use of cooperative ."preads. Sometimes we've wondered if a good many exhibitors weren't running them perilously near "o the point of becoming commonplace. Your statement undoubtedly will make them think about it. In addition to the obvious good points in your spread we think special mention should be made of the fact that a news Story, and an important one, breaks on the left hand page in the two columns left open. If Edward Hyman is right in his contention, published in his letter last week, that readers find it easy to hurdle a complete double truck, the Lloyd George story undoubtedly got the attention of many readers for your "Sherlock Holmes" BOYS SUPPOSE Vcni *Urtal »<•< In Im-. with i-n-.ll mnwHmw Veil »cnl iu cuklnc »nd You n.,.lu..l<d from Law feknul lad Yuu lie. .nil. .. un hOlcvsslul u»ttr ra/tj m life' Anil Yon wtn ip|i.,inttd DWricI Attorney while kIiII )uunu mnn And' , '. Dunne )our li-rm m Dblrkl Attorney )0u found II tuur dulv lu imnd Ihr (hi >ou bred lo Uk IVa'trnlMir) for Sewn Years What «ff*(i would Mdi un experience Kjii on vour life.' 0fd h..» l>»nl. I 0'll.innon. DMrfcl Attorney <onu,urrcd similar tlrrumMtantrs with no iron will in ( I ( II. II. IMS MII.I.KS Production "M A N s I. AV <; H T E K" with I mom \s MEKSHAM Intro, Inv Ut* tflkm Ai Tht L> i: I C T H K A TUB N () w It's :t I'.ir -unoujit l*irlurc Lyric Theatre Now Playing Ce^|bcplles Thomas Meigharv U-.'t it r J. u, " lo» Wlbc« The si ronp«M -tor\ the jfroat est e*rt. the most lavishly I>nulitu1 piodue11011 Dp MiIU has < ut had A piclino that shows whcrC tho present m m d , pursuit of pJedMurc i* l<*a*iing. FrrMp tho now! by Afnlo Duor Miller Scenario bf Jeiuiie MflCpharaon Three two-column ads that appeared simultaneously in Logan, Utah, newspapers advertising the run of Paramount's "Manslaughter" for the Lyric theatre. In all the widespread and varied advertising the picture has received we have observed no better treatment. GIRLS SUPPOSE of a-l You w -event And i hat >ou had Mthiaa In do but purMi. tin pleasure* of thU lift And thai In tout wild dj-h tmt ncilmfnt ymx uninieniiou illt uu.mj un nilliililnhilr nrrMral whlth rtMllltd in III. ileulll of an Offlrw ul Ihc law And thai >ou wrir iiujirlvd nnd tiii-d fur thin miner ~ ttt-alh uui luuml lu.lly And The INktrirl Mlum*) mil >ou to MhIi-'v I'ii^ou lor ie*en year* \nd I hit thai II,1. .it Atlnrnrv wan Ihr I <ou loird Would lhal iirliun on hm pint .mil Ih.tl UPericfW* in thr I'rnitrntl.li > rum fUUM Hfe .uui kid tiulr Im fur Ihr m.m >ou and! l.ydta Thome trli mu the innwef CECIL 11. 1>E Mil l 1/S I'roduition "M \ N IS I. A U (. II r i: II" with THOMAS MKK.HAN At Thr L Y I! 1 (' T II K A T l< K NOW It's a I'aramount I'irturc LB