Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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20 EXHIBITORS HERALD September 16, 1922 The First Book Ever Written by Exhibitors —is the March edition of the BOX OFFICE RECORD which is now treasured in the files of more than 8,000 exhibitors in the United States. The September edition of the BOX OFFICE RECORD is now going to press. That it is eagerly awaited and will be joyfully received is apparent from the scores of letters from exhibitors who are impatient to get their copy. Within ten days, it will be speeding through the United States mails to every paid-in-advance subscriber on the HERALD list. The new BOX OFFICE RECORD is going to give impetus to the returning prosperity in the motion picture industry. Its publication will speed the reopening of dozens of theatres closed during the past summer — and the return to normal schedule of scores of theatres now showing one and two days a week. The first BOX OFFICE RECORD was a pleasing surprise to this great business. The new BOX OFFICE RECORD arrives as an established necessity to the industry.