Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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"Keaton Scores Another Knock Out" —MOTION PICTURE NEWS Read WhatTheM.P. News Says: "Cops" (Buster Keaton — First National) BUSTER KEATON is traveling high again — scoring a knock-out, as it were, with a funny comedy entitled "Cops." Much ingenuity has been expended upon this effort, the gags arriving thick and fast, and all of them building to a side splitting climax in which the serious Buster is pursued by hundreds of cops. You, who have laughed over the Keystone variety, have a treat in store, because there are enough minions of the law to populate a village. The idea centers around Buster finding a purse of money and setting out to conquer the world. His girl refuses to marry him unless he can support her. And the action starts and travels at fast speed, uncorking a delivery of brand new gags, such as Keaton rigging up a pair of ear-phones and clasping them on his horse's head. He rings the phone and tells him to speed on. The noble steed understands. The chase of Keaton by the cops is one of the high spots in a comedv which is irresistibly funny.— LAURENCE REID. Joseph M. Schenck Presents BUSTER KEATON in Attractions Released $ )n Open Market "THE FROZEN NORTH" "The Play House" "The Boat" "Cops" "The Pale Face" "My Wife's Relations" Written and directed by Buster Keaton and Eddie Cline Every Show is a Good Show When Keaton Heads the Bill.