Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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38 EXHIBITORS HERALD September 16, 1922 Jacqueline Logan teaches Lila Lee all she knows about the South Sea dance she does in the Paramount picture, "Ebb Tide." Staff of United Theatre Equipment Corporation branch at Detroit. Left to right: H. F. Falk, projection engineer; Miss Julia Kramer, auditor; E. H. Forbes, manager. Major McNeile, author of "Bulldog Drummond," discussing the script with Oscar Apfel (left), director; Evelyn Greeley and Carlyle Blackwell while on location in Holland. The attraction will be hai.dled by Producers Security Corporation. Larry Semon, Vitagraph comedian, and Lucille Carlisle, his leading woman, entertain Constance Palmer, newspaper correspondent; Helen Carlisle, Lucille's sister and magazine writer, and Colonel Jacobs, magazine representative, at company's Coast paint. Little Arthur Trimble of Arthur Trimble Productions, Hollywood Studio, Los Angeles, is having a lot of fun hiring Frederick G. Becker as his director. The youngster is starting early on his business career. During their recent Coast trip the First National "Dollar-a-Week" men were the guests of Marshall Neilan at the Hollywood Friday night boxing bouts. Here are the winners of the First National exploitation contest and the winners of the evening's bouts. Pete Smith was pinch hitting for Mr. Neilan owing to the latter's absence from the city at the time.