Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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September 16, 1922 EXHIBITORS HERALD 39 Three days advance exploitation and records broken. That is the achievement of Jackie Coogan's "Oliver Twist" at Anaheim, Cal., twenty-five miles from Los Angeles. Sol Lesser purposely selected Anaheim to ascertain drawing power of picture. I. George Melford examines with a "blue glass" the photographic qualities of the artistic wart Raymond Hatton fabricated to add more villainy to his character in "Ebb Tide," a new Paramount production. Century's tiny 3-year-old star, Baby Peggy, is being featured in a series of Fairy tales, the first ones being "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Jack and the Beanstalk." Scene at left above is from the latter. Above is Brownie, the clever dog which appears in Century comedies. In this picture he is shown feeding Baby Peggy. Quite a combination, eh? The life of a motion picture star isn't all a bed of roses. This scene from "Peaceful Peters," first of the William Fairbanks series being produced by Ben Wilson for Arrow, illustrates that fact very vividly.