Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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48 EXHIBITORS HERALD September 16, 1922 I Made Man" Thrives in California Run — School Days" Lobby Is Better Than Prologue 120,000 TICKET SALES were reported from the California theatre, Los Angeles, early in the fourth week of "A Tailor Made Man." United Artist production featuring Charles Ray. Monroe Lathrop, in charge of exploitation, promoted co-operative advertising displays with clothing establishments which were followed up with a mail campaign reaching 13,000 addresses. The newspaper helped by running a favorable box at the top of the space used, the theatre ad occupying the center. It has been suggested that similar enterprise be conducted in other cities where the picture is shewn. Frederick Miller, manager of the California, is reported as planning for a fifth and possibly a sixth week of the picture. NOT A PROLOGUE, but a much more effective attractor of business, is the lobby display used by the National theatre at Jersey City for the Warner Brothers production, "School Days." The required materials are such as can be obtained by any exhibitor with little or no expense. When lobby design is sign as permits adoption of the feature, the idea can be applied profitably. A LONG WAIT in prospect does not discourage the really interested theatre patrons, as the line-up for "A Tailor Made Man" at the California theatre clearly indicates. s a'fi & aS as aS 25 aS as aS aS aS aS as aS aS as as aS aS aS as aS aS aS aS aS aS as ai ai ai aSaS aS aSaSaS &XEZ^ttitf£lzfiffi^mtfSA