Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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New Playhouse at Canton, O. Opened Mozart Theatre, Seating 850 Is Completed by A. H. Abrams Another modern theatre has been added to Canton, Ohio's, amusement activities with the completion and opening of the new Mozart theatre situated on Tuscarawas street. The Mozart, owned by A. H. Abrams, has been built under his personal supervision and embodies the latest achievements in theatre construction. It was designed by H. M. Miller of Canton and was erected at a cost of approximately 5125,000. The Universal attraction, "'The Storm," was the feature for the initial show. Seats 850 Persons The auditorium of the theatre, seating 850 persons, has been decorated in French ivory and old gold. Deep blue velvet drapes are used and thick velvet carpets the aisle. The seats are roomy and well designed for comfort. Inverted aisle lights at the end of every fourth rowwill aid patrons in finding their seats. • An instrument combining a piano and pipe organ has been installed in the theatre at a cost of $10,000. John Fisher of Canton will lead the Mozart orchestra. Entrance to the auditorium of the Mozart is reached through a foyer opening off Tuscarawas street E. The foyer, which is 18 feet wide at the street, widens to 24 feet and is 74 feet long. The theatre building proper is 200 by 66 feet and the auditorium 130 by 50 feet. Has Check Room Daintily appointed rest rooms open off the rear of the foyer. A check room will be maintained for the benefit of patrons. In the operating room, which is said to be one of the best equipped in that section of the state, there are two projecting machines, a spot light, and a dissolving machine. Operators are Ott Stritt and Russell Goodwin, both of Canton. Mr. Abrams will be assisted in the management of the Mozart by W. S. Habert. Opens New Theatre A. M. Leitch. well known exhibitor and contributor to the Heraij>'s department "What the Picture Did For Me" will open his new $30,000 theatre which he has named the Strand on Sept. 6. The new playhouse is modern in every respect and has been designed to accommodate both pictures and road shows. Ownership Changes Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. — The management of the Ideal theatre has been taken over bv Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Gruwell. * Wichita, Kans. — Sam Harding, owner of a chain of theatres in Kansas City. Omaha and Oklahoma City, has acquired an interest in the Wichita theatre. It is reported that the building may be extensively improved in the near future. Remodeled Theatre Attracts Overflow Crowds at Opening A good indication of the extent to which remodeling and improvement of the theatre acts as a box office stimulant was evidenced at the opening of the Garden theatre, Rockingham, N. C, when a crowd that not only taxed the playhouse to capacity but necessitated the turning away of several hundred patrons, was on hand for the opening performance. At a cost of $12,000 the Garden, to all appearances, has been made a brand new theatre and is hailed as such by the people of Rockingham. In reality it is the old opera house which has been leased by Marshall H. French and is operated by Rockingham Theatre Company. William G. Atkinson is manager. Space devoted in the local newspaper to the project and the business that greeted the initial show gives proof of the extent to which interest in the playhouse has been aroused and is testimony of the excellent accomplishments in the work of making it a virtually new theatre. Remodeling Is Thorough From the box office to the stage the house has been thoroughly rejuvenated. In front of the building a new and handsome marquis has been placed with the words "The Garden" emblazoned by a hundred lights. There is a new ticket booth, ornate in itself and equipped with an electric ticket selling machine. The display frames of brass are also new and attractive. A striking feature is the new lobby, . furnished with large potted palms. The floor has been covered with battleship linoleum, and the walls are delicately "tinted giving it -a restful appearance. At the end of the lobby is a rest room for .ladies equipped with mirrors, lavatory, toilets, well ventilated and furnished. On a bureau may be found powder, pins, towels and other accoutrement. New Booth Installed The new projection booth is of cement and is equipped with two latest type Powers machines. In connection with the projection department a Minusa gold fibre screen is also a feature, as well as a new dimmer system. The seating capacity of the auditorium has been increased to 600. There are 400 seats in the auditorium and 200 in the balcony. All are covered with white cloth backs. The balcony is reserved for colored people. Throughout the house aisle lights have been placed at the end of the seats. The ceilings and walls of the auditorium are done in green and old rose, with stencil decorations. Complete equipment for INTERIOR VIEW OF the new Mozart theatre. Canton, Ohio, which has been completed and opened by A. H. Abrams. The Mozart has a seating capacity of 850, and was erected at a cost of $125,000. Universale attractions, "The Storm." was the opening feature.