Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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90 EXHIBITORS HERALD September 16, 1922 SHORT SUBJECTS COMEDIES ARROW FILM CORP. BROADWAY, with Eddie Barry. CRUELLYWED. Lilie Leslie. SPEED, Charlotte Merriam. MIRTHQUAKES. Bobby Dunn. SPOTLIGHT, one reel. ASSOCIATED EXHIBITORS I DO, with Harold Lloyd. NEVER WEAKEN, with Harold Lloyd. NOW OR NEVER, with Harold Lloyd. AMONG THOSE PRESENT, with Harold Lloyd. AYWON FILM CORF. IOY COMEDIES. C. B. O. FILM SALES WALL ROOM BOYS COMEDIES, two real* SCREEN SNAPSHOTS, one reel, twice a moath. CARNIVAL COMEDIES, two reela, twice a month. Polly Meran and Smiling Bill Jonca. SUNRISE COMEDIES, two reel*, with Billy West. CELEBRATED PLAYERS CELEBRATED COMEDIES. DOMINANT PICTURES, INC. NEW-WED COMEDIES, one reel. EDUCATIONAL FILM CORP. CAMPBELL COMEDIES. A False Alarm. Circus Days. A Ring Tail Romance. CHRISTIE COMEDIES, two realm. Fair Enough. Any Old Port. Cold Feet. A Hickory Hick. Bucking Broadway. Mile-a-Minute Mary. That Son of a Sheik. Pardon My Glove. TOKCHV < OMKUIES. two reel*. Torchy's Holdup. Torchy Steps Out. Torchy's Nut Sunday. Torchy's Feud. atKMAlD COMEDIES, two reel*. Poor Boy. Rapid Fire. Treasure Bound. Look Out Below. VANITY COMEDIES, one reel. OAVfTV COMEDIES one reel TOONERVILLE TOPICS, two reels, by Fontain Fox. HAMILTON COMEDY, The Speeder, two reels. £* AX. ilt SALttiS bO, BILLY RUGE COMEDIES, one reel. JOLLY COMEDIES, one reel. FILM SPECIAL COMEDIES, one r«el. FIRST NATIONAL CHARLES CHAPLIN COMEDIES. A Dog's Life, three reels. A Day's Pleasure, two reels. Shoulder Arms, two reels. funnyside, two reels, he Kid, six reels. The Idle Class, two reels. HENRY LEHRMAN COMEDIES, two reels. Punch ot the Irish. The Game Lady. BEN TURPIN COMEDIES, two reels. Love's Outcast. Love & Doughnuts. Bright Eyes. BUSTER KEATON COMEDIES, two reels. The Boat. The Paleface. Cops. My Wife's Relations. MACK SENNETT COMEDIES, two reels. Be Reasonable. By Heck. FEDERATED FILM MONTE BANKS COMEDIES, two reels. BALLROOM BOYS COMEDIES, two reels C. L CHESTER COMEDIES, two reels. JOE ROCK COMEDIES, one red. FOX FILM CORP. CLYDE COOK COMEDIES, two rods. Hot Dog. AL ST. JOHN SERIES, two reels. The Happy Pest. The Studio Rube. LUPINO LANE SERIES, two reels. The Broker. SUNSHINE COMEDIES, two reels. A Perfect Villain. Lave and War. Pardon Me. Try and Get It False Alarm. Hold the Line. Please Be Careful. Sic GOVERN AND EGLER The Runt, two reels (Shorty Hamilton). Pep, two reels (Shorty Hamilton). Let 'er Go Gallagher, two reels (Shorty Hamilton). Pony Boy, two reels (Shorty Hamilton). Grit, two reels (Shorty Hamilton). Ride 'cm Cowboy, two reela (Shorty Hamilton). NATIONAL EXCHANGES KING COLE COMEDIES, two reels. RAINBOW COMEDIES, two reds. PATHE EXCHANGE. INC. VANITY FAIR GIRLS COMEDIES, one red. ROLIN COMEDIES, one red. ROLIN TWO REELERS, two reels. HAL ROACH COMEDIES, one red. GAYLORD LLOYD COMEDIES, one red. HAROLD LLOYD COMEDIES, two reds. PACIFIC FILM COMPANY Folly Comedies. PHOTO PRODUCTS EXPORT FLAGG COMEDY RENEWALS, one red. . PINNACLE PRODUCTIONS, INO. DAMFOOL TWIN COMEDIES, two reels. PINNACLE COMEDIES, two reds, with Maa Roberts. RADIN PICTURES, INO. JOHNNY DOOLEY COMEDIES. UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO. CENTURY COMEDIES, two reds. STAR COMEDIES, one red. LARRY SEMON COMEDIES, two red*. The Bell Hop. The Sawmill. The Show. A Pair of Kings. JIM AUBREY COMEDIES, two reels. The Riot. The Applicant. The Messenger. A Chsrmed Life. The Chicken Parade. WARNER PICTURES MONTY BANKS COMEDIES Clean and dry. DRAMAS ARROW FILM CORP. BLAZED TRAIL PRODUCTIONS, one erer? other week, two reels. ARROW-NORTHWOOD DRAMAS, two reds. C. B. C. FILM SALES STAR RANCH WESTERNS, two rede, bimonthly. DOMINANT PICTURES. INO. WESTEP*1 TVRAMAS two •—»'« EDUCATIONAL FILM CORP. ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, two reels each. W. W. HODKJNSON CORP. THE BEGGAR MAID, two reels (Mary Astor). THE BASHFUL SUITOR, two reels (Mary Brandon). THE YOUNG PAINTER, three reels (Mary Astor and Pierre Gendron). PATHS ADVENTURES OF BILL AND BOB, one red. TCM SANTSCHI WESTERNS, two reels. HOLMAN DAY SERIES, two reels. MAJ. JACK ALLEN SERIES, one red. PIONEER NICK CARTER SERIES, two reds. C. B. PRICE CO. INDIAN DRAMAS, featuring Mona Darkfeather, one red. RUSSELL PRODUCTIONS FRANK BRAIDWOOD, in two reel Westerns. SELIG-RORK PHOTOPLAYS The White Mouse, two reels. UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO. RED RIDER SERIES (Leonard Chapman), two reela. WESTERN AND RAILROAD DRAMAS, two COLLIER SERIES, "The Leather Pushers," two GOING STRAIGHT, two reels, Mary Pickford. SCENICS EDUCATIONAL— Robert C. Bruce Scenlcs Beam tiful, one reel (every two weeks). EDUCATIONAL— Chester Outing Scenics, one reel (every week). EDUCATIONAL— Screenics, one red (every twe weeks). . , EDUCATIONAL — Sketchografs, one red EDUCATIONAL — World Wanderings, one red. GOLDWYN— Sport Review, one red In the Pink. Drawing Cards. Self Defense. Centaurs of the Field. Winter Pep. A Rex Beach Weekend. Taking the Air. By-Way Champions. "Fore I PARAMOUNT— Burton Holmes Travel Pictaree one reel (every week). Sante Fe— the City Different. Seeing San Marino. Watching the Wayands. In Old Granada. A Fairy Foreland. SPECIAL PICTURES — Sunset Barrad Beeaie Stories. TRUART FILM CORP. — One red BurUagaaai Monkey Land up the Barito River. An Alpine Ride Up the Stanxeraera. Jungle Belles of Borneo. An Arctic Hike on the Great Aleteca Glacier. A Wedding Feast Among the Borneo Drake. Perilous Ascent of the Zinal-Ro thorn. Pelican Island. NATIONAL EXCHANGES— E met o Review, oaa red issued weekly. MISCELLANEOUS ARROW— Sport Pictorids, one reel. C B. C SALES — Screen snapshots, one red. COMMONWEALTH— Saanuth'a Original Vod-eVil Movies. COMMON WEALTH— Spanuth's Sereaenettea. EDUCATIONAL, one reel. Wilderness Tales, by Robert C. Bruce. FAMOUS PLAY ERS — Paramount Magazine, oaa red (weekly). HODKINSON— Kineto Co. of America. The Four Seasons, four reels. Great American Authors, one reel. Official Urban Movie Chats, one red. Kineto Reviews, one reel, once a week, PATHE — Topics of the Day. PATHE— Pathe Review, one reel. PATHE — Aesop's Fablea Cartoons, two-thirds real PRIZMA— Nature's Colors. Neighbor Nelly. So This Is London. Sunbeams. Ruins of Angkor. Magic Gems. Away Dull Care. Seeing the Unseen. Nippon. PIONEER— Luke MeLuke's Film-Ooeehy. RADIN — Brind's Wonders of Nature. R-C — Hy Mayer Traveloughs, one every twe weeks. Starland Review, one every two weeks. C. B. C. FILMS— Cap'n Kidd Serid, Eddie Polo. STOREY PICTURES — Shadow! and Screes Review, one reel every two weeks. STORY PICTURES— Burlesque Photoplays, two reels. WEISS BROS.— The expose of Sawing a Lady in Half, length 1475 feet. SERIALS ADVENTURES OF TARZAN SERIAL SALIS— > Adventures of Tarzan (Elmo Lincoln). ARROW— Thunderbolt Jack (Jack Hone). The Blue Pox (Ann Little). Nan of the North (Ann Little). C. B. C. FILMS— Capitain Kidd (Eddie Polo). EXPORT & IMPORT FILM CO.— The Jende Goddess (Elinor Field and Truman Vaa Dyke. FOX — Fantomas: Bride IS. FEDERATED — Miracles of Jungle. PATHE— The Sky Ranger (Geo. B. Sdts aas June Caprice). PATHE— Hurricane Hutch (Charles Hutchinson). PATHE — The Yellow Arm (Ruth Roland). NATIONAL EXCHANGES— The Great Reward. SELZNICK— The Whirlwind. The Branded Four. UNIVERSAL— The Diamond Queen (Bileea Sedgwick). UNIVERSAL— The White Horseman (Art Acord). UNIVERSAL— Do or Die (Eddie Polo). UNVERSAL — Winners mt the West (Art Acord). UNIVERSAL— The Secret Four (Eddie Polo). UNIVERSAL — Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (Harry Myers). VITAGRAPH— Breaking Through. VITAGRAPH — The Veiled Mystery (Antoaie Moreno). WARNER— The Lost City. Miracles of Jungle. NEWS REELS FEDERATED (once a week) Ford Weekly. FOX NEWS (twice a week) at Fox exchanges. INTERNATIONAL NEWS (Mondays and Thursdays) at Universd exchanges. KINOGRAMS (twice a week) at Edscatload exchanges. FATHE NEWS (Wednesdays and Saturdays) si Pathe Exchange. SELZNICK NEWS (twice a week) at Select ea> changes. ANIMATED CARTOONS AESOP'S FABLES (Pathe). THE GUMPS (Celebrated Players). MUTT AND JEFF (Fox). EDUCATIONAL— Sketchografs, one net SPECIALS EDUCATIONAL FILM CORP. Tony Sargs Almanac, one reel. Art ot Diving, with Annette Kdlemaa. The Race of the Age (Maa a' War}.