Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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WW YORK AMERICAN— 'Forget -Me -Not," at the Criterion, teld the attention engrossingly from he start to finish. It was charmingly ind artistically told — genuinely poigtant drama. Anybody who can sit wnchalantly through these several cenes must be callouser than any professional critic. ^IIETY The picture looks strong enough to go nto any of the week stand houses and et money. W YORK REVIEW— I most remarkable picture. It is one f the finest pieces of work all the 'ay around — in directing, acting and hotography — that we have yet seen n the silver sheet. FILM DAILY— Exhibitors . . . can rest assured that they will be pleased with ffForget-MeNot." Exploitation should be simple enough. BILLBOARD— The world will not soon forget "ForgetMe-Not." SUITABILITY — Show this everywhere. ENTERTAINMENT VALUE— 100 percent. Forget-Me-Not" is aptly named. Few ho see this little screen drama will Jon forget its sweetness and charm.