Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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Well, I alius said the boy'd make good More'n ten million people have read the book about him An' the play went quicker 'n hot cakes Say, who's that playin' Alice Pettengill I Why, it's Blanche Sweet And there's Obadiah Strout himself. No, it's Lon Chaney Who's that purty girl with the black eyes — Lindy Putnam, the village vamp? — Barbara La Marx An' Abner Stiles, the blacksmith? — Elmo Lincoln Is that Mandy Skinner? No, I d'clare, it's Louise Fazenda Say, where'd they get this cast? Never saw such a high-priced collection. Why there's June Elridge Gale Henry Hank Mann Joseph Dowling Edward Connelly Victor Potel Claire McDowell Kate Lester Billy Franey Taylor Graves and Harry Depp