Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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22 EXHIBITORS HERALD September 23, 1922 Hundreds of Exhibitors Attend Al Lichtman Banquets Charnas Introduces "Rich Men's Wives" in Series of Dinners in Four Exchange Centers AL LICHTMAN has toured exchange centers from Coast to Coast and from Canada to Mexico. Visiting key points in fhe system of distribution is a matter of business procedure to him and is unattended by ceremonial rites. To visit these same centers and be feted by local distributors and exhibitors is an unusual event and such has been the honor bestowed upon the president of Al Lichtman Corporation during the week of September 10. Fred S. Myer BEGINNING on Sunday, September 10 and extending through Wednesday, September 13, Mr. Lichtman was the guest of honor at banquets in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Detroit and Cleveland, and in all more than 1,000 exhibitors, their wives and other guests paid their respects to the distribution executive. This series of banquets was arranged by Harry Charnas, who holds the Lichtman franchise in those four cities, covering the territories of Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Michigan and Western Pennsylvania. Their purpose was for the introduction of "Rich Men's Wives," the initial Preferred Pictures feature presented by B. P. Schulberg through the Lichtman exchanges. Promotion of a picture on such a large scale by :i territorial distributor is a feather in the cap of Mr. Charnas. * * * The Pittsburgh gathering was held at the William Penn hotel and was attended by about 200 exhibitors, their wives and other guests. In addition to addresses by Mr. Lichtman and others, the guests were entertained with vaudeville and pictures, "Rich Men's Wives" being the program feature. In his address Mr. Lichtman traced the distribution business from the time he established the Famous Players exchange in Pittsburgh down to the present day. He told of his theory of "equitable distribution" which is that the exhibitor may book a picture or decline it without any obligation whatever. "Ike" Silverman of the Strand theatre, Altoona, was toastmaster. , At Cincinnati on Monday night the success of the initial meeting was duplicated, Fred S. Meyer of the Palace at Hamilton acting as toastmaster. The banquet was held in the grand ballroom of the Sintoii hotel. On Tuesday night the Charnas gathering was held at the Hotel Statler in Detroit. Four hundred exhibitors and other guests sat down to dinner, presided over by J. B. McLaren of the Capitol theatre, Jackson. Although the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Detroit banquets were highly successful they were exceeded by the Cleveland event which was a fitting climax to the Charnas endeavors. H. H. Lustig, head of the Cleveland exhibitors, acted as toastmaster. In both Cleveland and Cincinnati Mr. Lichtman addressed salesmen of the Charnas organizations, outlining his plans and the future pictures which his organization will handle. M. A. Lebensburger, manager of Standard Film Service, Cleveland, and L. W. Greenstein, vice president of Standard, journeyed to Pittsburgh for the first banquet of the series. "Battling Joe" Lefko. manager of the Charnas branch at Pittsburgh, assisted Frank G. Hard, publicity director for Charnas, in arranging the banquet. Nat Lefkowitz, Cincinnati manager, and Jess Fishman, Detroit manager, also assisted in arrangements. Attending the Pittsburgh banquet were the following, all being from Pennsylvania unless otherwise noted : Walter Davis, Union theatre, Largo, Pa.; Willie Richmond, CenturyFamily, Pittsburgh; Samuel Havary, Liberty, Verona; Rudolph Havary, Pleasant Hour, Verona; David Miller, New Wilbur, Homewood; W. Losniak, Keystone, Turtle Creek; H. Finkel, Colonial, Pittsburgh; Bart Dattola, Alhambra, New Kensington; John Ogliotti, Cosmorane, Leechburg; F. W. Fery, Arcadia and Gould, Pittsburgh; B. Wachnansy, Pittsburgh; L. R. Myers, Dreamland, McKeesport; J. J. Spandau, Family, Braddock; Paul Karchner, Grand, Latrobe; M. A. Hauber, Oakland, Pittsburgh; L. N. Strickler, Lester, Vanderbilt; J. Graham, Butler; Paul L. Thomas, Casino, Pittsburgh; S. M. Pearl, Climax, Pittsburgh; J. S. Josey, Arrow Film Corp., New York; Michael Rosenbloom, Majestic, Charleroi; J. Marmamstein, Knickerbocker, Braddock; C. C. Kellenberg, Carnegie, Carnegie; B. Nesselson, Pastime, Lewistown; R. Weintrauli, Lyric, Corsopolis; Sam. Stoltz, Ind., Display Co., Pittsburgh; J. Klein, West Penn. Amusement Co., Pittsburgh; Max Engelberg, Strand, McKee Rocks; Charles Jervis, New Homestead; J. Harris, Strand, Woodlawn; H. Golsberg, West Penn. Amusement Co., Pittsburgh; J. Brown, Colonial, Braddock; Blake Galbraith, Columbia, Kittanning; George F. Miller, Delmont, Oakmont; Sol Silverman, Princess, Donora; N. M. Elliott, Star, Vandergrift; C. Freeman, Star Regent, New Castle; S. Marsousis, Dome-Penn, New Castle; A. Carrick, Hodkinson Corp., Pittsburgh; F. C. Elden, Elden, Boswell; I. Manudelblatt, Elliott, Pittsburgh; Joseph M. Kleintz, Liberty, Rankin; F. J. Tepper, Monaca, Monaca; I. Rosenbloom, Crystal, Braddock; Joe Richman. Keystone, Pittsburgh; Nathan Sukolsky, Grand, Burgettstown; Louis E. Hirsch, New Oakland, Pittsburgh; Nathan Richman, Pearl, Pittsburgh; Max Steinberg, New Hazelwood, Pittsburgh; N. Friedberg, Alhambra, Pittsburgh; J. A. Reilly, Plaza, Pittsburgh; A. Fineman, McKee, Pittsburgh; San Lauri, Victoria, Pittsburgh; D. Victor, Victor, McKeesport; Charles Soltzer, Main, Sharpsburg; Isaih Schooline, Altoona; John Alderdice, Delton, Dormont ; H. Mandel. Hippodrome, Pittsburgh; M. Hadler, Majestic, Rochester; M. Winegrad, Majestic, Rochester; Reuben Soltz, Majestic, Pittsburgh; Abraham Soltz, West Penn Amusement Co., Pittsburgh; Sam Fleishman, Brighton, Pittsburgh; I. H. Fleischman; Nat Cherkealy, New Avenue. Pittsburgh; Wm. J. Bernardi, Regent, Pittsburgh; P. Gours, Capital, McKeesport. Jacob Silverman, Strand, Altoona; Thomas Schrader, Olympic, Pittsburgh; F. Middleman. Photoplay, Crafton; P. L. Gerechter, Best, Milvale; Morris Roth, Liberty, Duquesne; Jerome Dawson, Victoria, Gallitzin; Fred M. Smith, New Palace, Pittsburgh; J. Snider, Duquesne, Pittsburgh; Walter Yakuboski, Idle Hour, Washington; Cliarles Pearlstein, Regent, McKees Rocks; Harry Wood, Woodies, Apollo; Frank Lofaro, Victoria, Johnstown; H. Myers, Idle Hour, Pittsburgh; Sol Rabinovvitz. Strand, Weirton; Martin Silverman, Main, Sharpsburg; Sam Hymowitz, Columbus, New Kensington; V. Rabinowitz, Rex, Weirton; Meyer Rabinowitz, Strand, Weirton; Frank Klein, Jr., Colonia, Weirton; F. J. AL LICHTMAN Herrington, Idle Hour, Pittsburgh; J. Harry Hayward, Grant, Melvale; N. I. Walker, Palace. Washington; J. N. Conners, Regent, Washington; J. W. Mercer, Capitol and Globe, Washington; Bennett Amdur, Garden, Pittsburgh; M. Beedle, Alhambra. Canonsburg; M. Ferros, Bentlyville; Wm. Schlesinger, McKee, St. Calir Boro; and the following members of the Federated staff: Harry L. Charnas, L. W. Greenstein, Frank G. Hard, and Joe Lefko, manager of the Pittsburgh office. There were also present representatives of the Pittsburgh newspapers. Nearly all of the exhibitors were accompanied by their wives and families. Paul Brunet Resigns Presidency of Pathe; No Successor Named (Special to Exhibitors Herald) NEW YORK, Sept. 12.— Lewis Innerarity, secretary of Pathe Exchange, Inc., announces that he has received from Paul Brunet his resignation as president of the company. This action on the part of Mr. Brunet was not all together unexpected to those closely associated with him. For some time past family reasons have made it probable that he would return to his native land. Mr. Brunet's resignation will be acted upon at the next meeting of the board of directors of Pathe, which is expected to be held during this month. Mr. Brunet will remain a member of the board of directors and it is expected that he will return to the United States from France occasionally and will continue to take an active interest in the affairs of the company. No information could be obtained as to Air. Brunet's probable successor. Film Inspector Killed (Special to Exhibitors Herald) NEW YORK, Sept. 12. — Abraham Sinna, one of five men killed in an automobile accident near Middletown, N. Y., recently was a film inspector in the New York exchange of Associated First National Pictures, Inc., 729 Seventh avenue. His home was in Brooklyn. J