Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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NEWSPICTURES \\7ITH a view to giving the exhibitor a better understanding of the importance of the W News Weekly, to himself and to his public, and also for the purpose of providing ways and means whereby the exhibitor may apply better exploitation to his \ews Reel feature, the "Herald" has established this department. SCREEN IS NECESSITY * FINAL EXTRA * INTERNATIONAL NEWS No. 71: Americans Win in First Davis Cup l'lay— Chicago ludge Issues Sweeping Injunction Restricting R. R. Strikers — Dog Adopts Orphan Kittens — New England's Most Versatile Youngsters — N. Y. Mounted Police in Daring Riding — German U-boat Sunk in Mid-ocean Speed Boats Make Records at Detroit — Cartoon — Territorial Specials. INTERNATIONAL NEWS No. 72: America's Prettiest Girls in Atlantic City Pageant — Dublin Pays Tribute to Michael Collins — Jackson, Cal., Seeks to Rescue Entombed Miners — ■ Hindenberg Again in Spotlight — Millerand Welcomes American Women — French Dreadnaught Sinks — Pershing Lauds France on Marne Day -General Wood Welcomes Denby to Philippines — Peggy Gregg and Brother in Air Stunts — First Sea Flight by Motorless Plane — Territorial Specials. KINOGRAMS No. 2178: Boston Sicilians Hold Fiesta — Gertrude Ederle, 15, New Swiming Marvel — Boston Kiddies Play Pushball — President Invited to Reno — Yankee and Canadian Crews in Regatta — Move Ohio Village — U. S. Wins First Davis Cup Match — New York Mounted Police Show Horsemanship. KINOGRAMS No. 2179: Speed Boats Race at Detroit — Los Angeles Beach Nymphs Beat Show Girls at Pushball — Flying Parson Killed in Plane Fall — German Ambassador Here — ExSenator Clark of Montana Home From Europe — Goats Invade Paris — Marr.e Day Observed — First Glider Takes Off From Water— Chicago North Shore Has Horse Show — Shackled Swimmer Tows Boat Mile — California Freshies Beat Sophomores — Three Governors Sec Ship Launched — Territorial Specials. PATHE NEWS No. 72: France Cares for War Orphans — Building New Dam at Modesto. Cal. — Turks and Allies Battle Greeks in Bal kans — Whale Caught Off Bay City, Wash.— Statistics Show Progress in Education — France's Best Race on Seine — American Girl Athletes Home — Americans Win Opening Davis Cup Match — Territorial Specials. PATHE NEWS No. 73: American Beautu-< in Atlantic City Pageant — California Mine Entombs Workers — First Motorless Plane Takes Off From Water— U. S. Observes Marne DayFrench Battleship Wrecked — Davis Tennis Cup Remains in U. S. — Erin Mourns at Bier of Michael Collins — Territorial Specials. SELZNICK NEWS No. 1072: Belgian Kimk Shows Argentine President Antwerp Waterfront -Marshal loffre Welcomes Dr. Alvear to Paris — Skippers Wife Heroine of 123-day Starvation Cruise on Pacific — Head of Greek, Balkan anil Russian Churches Barred From Greece — Society Woman Driving White Mule Beats Daughter of N. Y. Governor — Dog Mother Adopts KittensFrench Jousting Matches on Seine — California Freshies Defeat Sophomores —American and Canadian Teams Clash in Auto Polo Contest at Los Angeles — Citizens of Cork Welcome National Troops. SELZNICK NEWS No. 1073: Atlantic Citj Mayor Gives Keys of City to Visiting BeautiesSpeed Boats Race at Detroit — Sulky Races at Columbus, O. — N. Y. Fuel Director Promises to Curb Profiteers— With British Army in Turkey — McAdoo Rides Bronchos in California — Chauncey Depew at Home — New York Grecian Nymphs Dance Atop Skyscrapers — Lloyd George's Wife and Daughter in Pageant— Spain's King at Deauville— King George in Kilts— First MotorlesPlane Takes Off From Water. FOX NEWS No. 96: Girl Athletes in Worn en's Olympic Games at Paris — Annual Swimming Race Around Paris on Seine — Thousands in ProBritish Demonstration at Athens — Paint Capitol Dome — Baby Parade Closes Ashbury Park Sea son — U. S. Marines in "Biggest Poker Game" — Cincinnati Swimmers Compete — U. S. Army Fliers in Stunts — Bangor Shriners Get Charter— Wilkes-Barre Kiddies in City's Championship Auto Races— Dog Mother Adopts Kittens— First Airplane Landing at Bottom of Grand Canyon. Newspicture Copy Demands Recognition You've heard people say, "If we must economize somewhere, let's economize on the 'movies.' " You know, when you hear the motion picture or its theatre referred to as a "movie," that the person speaking considers the screen a luxury. "Movie" is not the type of word employed to name a necessity. You know that to establish the motion picture and its theatre as actual, accepted necessities of every day life is to forestall depression in time of financial stringency. You are given, herewith, a logical argument in the form of a newspicture advertisement with which to counteract in some degree the false impression noted. The parallels drawn in the advertisement here given to subscribers to this paper are parallels with direct bearing upon the situation. To all but the very young or the very ignorant the argument presented has the additional appeal of connecting up with long slumbering memory. The comparisons are of such character as to cause comment of the "Remember way back when — " variety. In newspaper or in house organ such copy cannot have other than beneficial effect upon the reader. Upon the screen, where the copy may be exhibited with rather less ease, the effect will be even more productive of residts, causing auditorium comment reflecting credit upon the theatre and motion pictures. There is at any time all too little comment of this nature. The newspicture companies, undeniably beneficiaries of this type of advertising, have been singularly negligent of the opportunity at hand for general screen publication of these advertisements. While exhibitors might with seeming reason explain failure to use newspicture NEWSPICTURES SHOW SCREEN NECESSITY FIFTY YEARS ago the be-crystalled parlor lamp held an honored place in the domestic scheme of things. A little later the electric light came into existence as a luxury of the wealthy, moving swiftly to the estate of a necessity to the masses. NOBODY long questioned the authority of the incandescent bulb in the national scheme of things. FIFTY YEARS ago the stereoscope was proudly exhibited to the household visitor, its limited views being1 inspected at length and extolled with superlatives. Some time later the motion picture came into existence and began its not yet finished fight for honored place among the institutions of Civilization. MANY still look askance at the motion picture and the motion picture theatre as necessary adjuncts to a rapidly developing world life. NEWSPICTURES, rounding out the work of the educator, broadening: the mental vision of juvenile and ac'ult alike, may be compared directly to the incandescent iliuminant, performing for the mental man the service performed for the physical man by the glowing carbon web. NEWSPICTURES, and all motion pictures, have become an actual necessity to the modern human being. Rightful recognition has been slow in coming but is at hand. AVAIL yourself of the manifold benefits offered in the best pictures procurable presented always at the — (BLANK) THEATRE advertising on the ground that newspicture companies are much better qualified to undertake the work for them, it is significant that none have done so. Through use of this, the fourth unit in the present series of educational advertisements, theatremen will strike heavily for future prosperity of the theatre and its dependents. While this order of things may not impress the surface observer as superior to a condition in which all branches of the industry might work together for common good, it is by exactly this order of things that the theatre retains its rank as the dominating factor ol the trade at large.