Exhibitors Herald (Jul-Sep 1922)

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CHICAGO TRADE EVENTS Metro Gives Luncheon In Honor Mae Murray Exhibitors and Press Greet Star and Director Husband at Blackstone Mae Murray, the star of Tiffany Productions, and her husband-director, Robert Z. Leonard, picked out one of the hottest days of the season to pay Chicago a visit, last Friday. The two were en route to Los Angeles where Mr. Leonard will direct his pretty blonde wife in "Coronation" the feature to follow "Broadway Rose" on the Metro list of pictures. L. A. Rozelle, manager of the Metro exchange, and S. A. Shirley district manager, arranged a luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel for the two popular screen people, and invited representatives of the press, trade papers and exhibitors to be present. The affair was well attended and despite the humidity was thoroughly enjoyed. Rozelle Stages Contest Preceding the luncheon Miss Murray was escorted about Chicago and shown the sights, and Mr. Rozelle's amateur camera contest which had been extensively advertised, kept the young people busy snapping her picture on every corner. A prize is to be given for the best photo submitted. Dr. Samuel Atkinson, of the Adelphi theatre, acted as toast master and brief addresses were given by Jess Danby, of the "Just Married" company, Frank Bacon, of "Lightnin' " company, Joseph Hopp, Fort Armstrong theatre. Nate Ascher, of Ascher Bros., W. K. Hollander, of Balaban & Katz, W. D. Burt'ord. Aurora Theatre Company, Fred Schaefer, and L. A. Rozelle. Miss Murray and Mr. Leonard also addressed the guests. Mr. Leonard stated he will make a picture to be called "French Doll" adapted from a popular stage play, in Florida, following "Coronation" and will then go to France and Italy for scenes in a new production. Those Present Those present were: Lloyd Lewis. Paul Martin, Fred McQuigg, Fred W. Schaefer, Roger Ferri, Arthur Lang, Mrs. Jerry Abrams, Jerry Abrams, R. F . Loper, H. T. Loper, Marcelle D'Arville. Jess Danby. Frank Bacon, Dr. Samuel Atkinson, Nathan Ascher, Harry Ascher, J. Weil, Mrs. W. L. Roher, Helen Hamilton. Genevive Harris, Mary H. Loper, Beatrice Barrett, Mrs. Louis McCall, Adelaide Hanaford, Gladys Hight, L. H. Mason, S. A. Shirley. Joseph Hopp. Max Balaban, W. D. Burford, Lillian J. Traelman, M. M. Rubens, W. K. Hollander, L. A. Rozelle, W. P. Cullen, K. L. Ames. Jr., Ben Garetson, and J. Ray Murray. The Inquisitive Goof Every Day His Mind Wanders and Just Read the Result The Question Would you rather have fewer and better pictures or worse and more of "em ? The Answers Oss(ifxr) Florine. Pathe hustler. — They tell me that's a good way to make it, but mine spoiled instead of fermenting. I much prefer the straight stuff. It hits quicker and harder and it takes less to make you cross-eyed. In the end it doesn't cost a cent more and vou're sure of it. William J. Sweeney, boss at M. P. T. O. headquarters. — Well, Goof, if the humidity stays where it is now you can count me out. I don't plan on going down when I die, but if I should, it couldn't be a gol-darned bit hotter than it is right here. Between you and me I think this heat is a sign the world is burning up. * * * "Hank" Goldson, Julian Theatre, Chicago.— If this thing keeps up, we'll be paying $100 a day for a tworeel comedy, thirty days old. My patrons kick because I don't give 'em a forty-piece orchestra and serve lemonade. I think Will Hays, the traffic officer of the films, ought to do something about it. Charles (Admiral) Miller. F. B. O. Salesman, Chicago. — If the price of coal keeps mounting, we'll have to raise our prices. It costs money to heat the studios when making our snow pictures and all of the actors ain't snow birds. Personally I prefer Old Crow. Menzing With Butterfield Charles Menzing, well known hereabouts through his affiliation with Chicago theatres, has taken charge of the Orpheum, a Butterfield house at Bay City, Mich. The house will be remodelc4 and enlarged to a seating capacity of 1.S00. In the remodeling will be included a mezzanine floor, a playroom for children, a rest room for the women and a smoking parlor for the men. Berman Goes Through Harry Berman, general manager of distribution of Film Booking offices, stopped over in Chicago a few hours on Friday, August 8, en route to Kansas City and the West coast. Paramount to Open Exchange at Peoria Branch Will Be in Operation on October 5 — Milton Hirsh, Manager Famous PlayersLasky Corporation as a part of its plan to further enhance the sales force in this state and to facilitate the shipment of film to downstate cities will open an exchange at Peoria on October 5. Milton Hirsh will transfer his activities from Milwaukee to manage the new Peoria branch. Open Other Exchanges This policy of expansion is being furthered in other states as well. In both Pennsylvania and South Dakota new exchanges have been opened, bringing the total number to thirty-three. With the addition of the Peoria branch the total will be increased to thirty-four. The new Pennsylvania branch has been opened in Wilkes-Barre at 62-66 State street. It is under the management of Earle W. Sweigert. Edward J. McMullen is office manager. The Wilkes-Barre branch is in the Philadelphia district o: which W. E. Smith is district manager. Leak Manages Branch A. B. Leak will manage the new office at Sioux Falls. S. D., which will be included in the Minneapolis district under the management of Philip Teisman. Herbert Given is the district manager of the Chicago territory in which the new Peoria exchange will be located. Harry Grampp Takes Over Lincoln Square at Decatur The Lincoln Square theatre at Decatur, 111., has been purchased by Harry Grampp. who controls a circuit of theatres through this state. Mr. Grampp will be located at Decatur where he also operates the Avon. The Lincoln Square is a 1.300 seat house. Announcement of the deal has just been made by Bob Lucas from the Chicago offices of the theatre company. Harry Grampp Biglow Goes to Coast Charles Biglow. assistant superintendent of the Chicago Rothacker laboratory since the close of the war, has been transferred to the Rothacker-Allen plant in Hollywood. The Chicago crowd gave him a farewell dinner at the Edgewater Beach hotel. He joined Watterson IL Rothacker six years ago.