Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1922 - Mar 1923)

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March 3, 1923 EXHIBITORS HER A L I) 43 Six beauties appearing in the symbolic phases of B. P. Schulberg's new Preferred picture, "Poor Men's Wives," which Al Lichtman is distributing. Gasnier directed the picture which is the sequel to "Rich Men's Wives," a film which has been meeting with success throughout the country. Gene Sarazen, golf champion (center), looks over contract under the terms of which he will be featured in seven one reel comedies embodying golf instructions by Warner Brothers. Harry Rapf (left) will supervise. Jack L. Warner stands at right. Charles de Roche and Beneva, the police dog actor, who make their bow to America in Dorothy Dalton's new production for Famous Players-Larky Corporation, "The Law of the Lawless." De Roche was brought to this country from France only recently by the Paramount organization. Guy Bates Post (seated) distinguished star of stage and screen, affixes signature to Principal Pictures contract. Men in background are: Sol Lesser (left), president of Principal; Robert T. Thornby and E. deB. Newman, who are associated in venture. "The Man from Ten Strike" is star's first vehicle.