Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1923 - Mar 1924)

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muarv 19, 1924 I'X I! I n 1 I U K S H ]• R A I. D A dventure ! m/r « ^^ The man FROM BRODNEYS « . ' "-"^ '-' " ^ Adapted trom the Famous Novel h GEORGE 6ARR McCUTCHEON A Superb Cast J. WARREN KERRIGAN ALICE CALHOUN WANDA HAWLEY MISS DuPONT PAT O'MALLEY KATHLEEN KEY A. RICH, warm romance of India Seas— breathing the pungent fragrance of the Orient— mysterious, inexplicable ! A YOUNG American tangled in court intrigue, put to the supreme test to save the girl he loves— a princess of Scenes of Splendor royal bioodi The most thrilling hand to hand battle A. STRANGE will bequeathing millions. against overwhelming odds ever screened ! sinister menace to the happiness of those who would benefit. jili't^Iiifc, iini'.,,'i||||i|"i>'r. .i,i);i)iiritmi'iiii'ii||iuiii|)||llin|i|||ii,, ->„ i|ilil|iilii''.M!i||i||,..,»-iiiiHim. A David Smith Production ALBERT E SMITH g!lr'!HfrB"'lflllll"'!!i'«'t|ftH"l Jlliigllll|i;lfip|ili^